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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2013

    The Walking Dead thread!!

    T minus 10 hours till the mid-season premier of THE WALKING DEAD!!!!

    Who is as excited as me that the Undisputed King of cable TV is returning tonight???

    I want this thread to serve as a place where we can talk and discuss our hopes and expectations of TWD throughout the remainder of this season.


    Who is your favorite man character of the group? Your least?

    For me it is Carl I love watching the development of this character, as well as the actor Chandler Riggs. Before this current season I would have said Daryl but I really enjoyed watching Carl grow into a young man, and a leader. My least favorite character, its actually really hard to pick one that I dislike because really all the characters have redeeming features, but being forced to pick one, I think it was Angela. She just always seemed to have to disagree and question every decision that Rick made, and even though I despised the governor she even questioned and criticized him for how he did things after he brought her and Michonne in, basically saving their lives. While I was sad to see well I guess hear her go, she will not be missed all that much.

    What would you like to see happen this season?

    Kind of a broad question I know, but what would you like to see explored this season?

    I want to see the group come back together obviously, but after that I would really like to see the writers find a way to work in some more civilization. What I mean is there has to still be some type of government around even if it just a few people connected through CB radios. Remember what they did in Falling Skies? They revealed that the president was still alive and had troops with him. They would move around all the time trying to organize people and fight back. I would just like to see what the people that are still around are trying to do to bring back civilization. They kind of did this same thing in Revolution also so I know that it can be done. All the show has really been about up to this point is purely survival. I would like to see how they plan on rebuilding what was lost. One of the previews I read said that Rick is going to try and get the group to D.C. so it really seems like they want to head in this direction and I sincerely hope they do.

    Anything else you guys wanna talk about, throw it out there. Lets see where this goes.

    PS: To anyone that isn't caught up TWD is on AMC all day so get to watching and prepare for the new episode at 9PM EST

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    commmmon tippity toppity

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master
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    Apr 2011
    cant wait till the show on tonight

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2013
    come on really guys? only one fellow POer is a fan of TWD? dont believe it for a second, this forum can be super depressing.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    ya.. i am done making threads trying to improve the forum here. We have a great community and could have a great forum sad that no one sees that.

  6. #6
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    So glad TWD is back. Beginning was good, friend at work was telling me a couple weeks ago that the Governor might still be alive. I said no way after the blade through the heart, even though he was not shown being shot by his new girlfriend. Part of me wanted to see the Governor back since he was such an awesome character, but the show has to stay real or at least as real as you can in a zombie flick.

    Carl gets on my nerves, he is such a punk. But I guess a kid who is gone through so much would be messed up. And near the end of the episode he did act better. I wonder how messed up Rick is from infections, etc.

    Glad Michonne found them.

    As usual can't wait for next week.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2012
    I liked last night's episode a lot. Not a whole lot of action, but pretty intense and a lot of emotion. That's what I like about the show. It's not your typical zombie type.

    Governor's dead. Hershel's dead. What I want to know is if Judith is dead. Usually no body means not dead in these shows, but since it was a baby maybe they thought best not to show it.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by DentonBob View Post
    So glad TWD is back. Beginning was good, friend at work was telling me a couple weeks ago that the Governor might still be alive. I said no way after the blade through the heart, even though he was not shown being shot by his new girlfriend. Part of me wanted to see the Governor back since he was such an awesome character, but the show has to stay real or at least as real as you can in a zombie flick.

    Carl gets on my nerves, he is such a punk. But I guess a kid who is gone through so much would be messed up. And near the end of the episode he did act better. I wonder how messed up Rick is from infections, etc.

    Glad Michonne found them.

    As usual can't wait for next week.
    Quote Originally Posted by gpahren View Post
    I liked last night's episode a lot. Not a whole lot of action, but pretty intense and a lot of emotion. That's what I like about the show. It's not your typical zombie type.

    Governor's dead. Hershel's dead. What I want to know is if Judith is dead. Usually no body means not dead in these shows, but since it was a baby maybe they thought best not to show it.
    Finally some good responses!

    I too think that the governor is either dead, or undead most definitely not still alive after receiving the business end of that sword straight through his chest.

    God you are so right about Carl in this episode, he was acting like a spoiled little kid and in zombieland there is just simply no room for that.

    I have a feeling that Judith is with Hershal's youngest daughter, not maggie but the other one who's name I can not recall atm and don't feel like looking up. The showed her caring or Judith several times throughout the first half of the season. But I actually think that it would have been really cool to see Daryl saving the baby. Daryl traveling alone with just the baby would have been very interesting to me. you know what I mean? he is just the one guy you would never expect to be caring for a baby and I would have like to seen how that character handled caring for an infant. He wanted to find Sophia so badly and for him to been able to save Judith could have been redeeming to the character.

    But it is very possible that Judith is dead, she is an infant so if a walker did get her, the body probably would not have stayed in the car seat. I mean they can grab and rip flesh, they showed several dragging things with along with them, so who knows.

    I also think that is was kind of lazy writing for them to show the bloody car seat, AGAIN. If you remember they used that before when they were on that highway looking for sophia, i think they were looking through cars trying to find antibiotics for Tdog,

    How great was ricks final line of the episode??? "Its for you" lol it was just great to me.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I loved it so much. It's nice to have my show back. Especially since I'll never have Dexter or Breaking Bad back. Only 2 more months and I'll get my Game of Thrones back as well. Really glad Michone found her way to Rick and Carl.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jun 2012
    Im so sick of zombie and vampire movies that IDK wtf I wanna watch anymore

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