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  1. #51
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I can't tell you how to beat pocket aces but I can tell you how to beat yourself with pocket Aces.

    If you play your aces weak and try to trap all of the time they are going to beat. Play them strong and who cares if you get no action.


  2. #52
    PokerOwned God
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    Apr 2012
    Well I just lost to pocket KK with me having the straight, Ace High. I was dumb though, pair of J's on the board, he had full house. So ya, guess I should have payed attention, it was early and just clickin with the mouse. Terrible play by me.

  3. #53
    Seasoned Veteran
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    May 2012
    just praying that u hit a set or 2 pair lol .... anyway J10 is good to in this situations ))

  4. #54
    Elite PokerOwned Member dipstick2's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    yes its a hard call whether to go allin or slow play,
    win if yu can but always play fair

  5. #55
    PokerOwned Master
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    May 2012
    Well the only way to beat the best possible starting hand is to uh, well "Suck Out" if you dont know what that is then you are the one most likely doing it. lol

  6. #56
    Elite PokerOwned Member MrPokerVerse's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Normally beating Pocket Aces come a huge price. Payout could put in the money but more times than not your shipping or ordering a drink from the rail.
    "When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience leaves with money and the man with money leaves with experience." anonymous quote

  7. #57
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Mar 2011
    You need to keep on calling till the river and then all in

  8. #58
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ShiceT View Post
    Well the only way to beat the best possible starting hand is to uh, well "Suck Out" if you dont know what that is then you are the one most likely doing it. lol
    Lol ill have to agree with that one , they certainly arent bullet proof.

  9. #59
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2012
    I don't agree rocket it always depends on who you are playing as to how to play your aces

  10. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    As a poker player just starting out, you would soon learn how valuable pocket aces could be. In fact, many players see that hand as so valuable, that they do not know how to fold pocket aces. Sure, it is the best starting hand in Texas Hold’em, but still – there are plenty of times where the hand should be folded.

    It all comes down to a simple poker strategy that says to fold when you know you are beat. Pocket AA is not unbeatable, and the only time you can be sure that you have the best hand with pocket aces would be before the flop. You have the best odds when you are holding pocket aces. Still, if you are up against 3 or more players after the flop your odds of winning the hand have dropped drastically. The more players that are in the hand with you, the less valuable pocket aces will be. There are going to be plenty of circumstances where your pocket aces will get run down later on in the hand. That is the number one place that folding is the right thing to do. Take a look at a couple of good examples of times that you should fold pocket aces.
    When to Fold Pocket Aces – Pocket AA

    As indicated above, you should fold pocket aces when you believe that your opponent has your hand beat.

    Situation where you should fold Pocket Aces:
    Your hand: A-A
    Opponents: 4
    Board: K(s) K(h) Q(s)

    For the sake of this example, pretend that you played your hand the right way before the flop. If you were playing pocket aces the right way, you would have raised and received as much money in the pot as possible. In this example you raised a decent size, and you had 4 callers in a relatively loose game.

    The first thing you have to do before thinking about your hand is to think about your opponents hands. You should be asking yourself after each opponent calls your hand, what hand could they have? You have to put each opponent on a range of different hands. You are a strong player and you do not mess around. A big bet from you means that you have a big hand. So what kind of hands would you put your opponents on?

    Well, it depends on your opponents but generally: AK, AQ, KK, QQ, JJ, KQ, Etc.

    Looking at the flop, you can see that one of your 4 opponents had to hit hard on that board. Somebody has at least 1 king in their hand which is leaving you with 2 outs if you are lucky. This is where you have to fold your pocket aces, and except the fact that the hand doesn’t win every single time. Sometimes the board hits all wrong. The difference between a discipline player and an average player is that the discipline player will let go of his pocket aces. Playing that hand all the way through is nothing but a big mistake.

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