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Thread: The Fighter

  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    i been wanna to watch this.. i love fighting movies... i find my self swinging and boxing dur the movie lol

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God rrickir's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by mclain View Post
    Thaught it was a good movie I seem to recall all of it
    hahah m clain,,, we used to say that about my dad lol, IF he stayed awake thyru whole movie, we knew it was a good one LOL so glad to see u rememebered it, u musta liked it then. I dont think my kind of movie tho,, althoi mite watch it,,, if it was on,, and nothin else to w aych

  3. #13
    Sergeant Major
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    About to watch in 15 minutes.... dont like everything ive heard about it but want to Christian Bales Perfomance.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by CoddBrunson View Post
    I noticed some flaws in the film also. They said his brother was a crack head, and was at this crack house all the time, and they showed the people there really cracked out, but twice in the movie they showed them smoking a drug out of a plastic bottle. They insinuated it was crack, but you can't smoke crack like that. It was a plastic bottle with a straw poked in the side, and aluminum foil over the opening, with a cherrying burning substance inside. Crack takes an almost always continuous flame or high heat flame ie crack torch, and has to be smoked out of glass or metal to handle that heat. The only thing that could be smoked the way they were smoking, was pot. I hate movies that portray drug use inaccurately. Its not hard to do it right. Show a freakin glass tube or car antenna with them lighting the end. Done. Accurate. Thats crack being smoked.
    First of all, I liked the movie, I thought it was very good and Bale's performance was amazing.

    Now, you say crack can't be smoked like that. I wouldn't know, I've never used drugs in my life, but, I did watched the HBO Documentary from 1995 this movie talks about, and let me tell you, they show these addicts several times smoking crack, and almost all of them do it with a plastic bottle with the aluminum foil over the opening and with the tube inserted from the side of it. You should look for it, it's called "High on Crack Street".

  5. #15
    Sergeant Major
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    Jan 2011
    I really like it I thought Bale was awesome, when they showed the real guy at the end of the movie he did a great job of studying him and coppying his movements and habits.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    i didnt see that movie is it good?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2011
    It is on my Netflix Q. Looking forward to getting it.

  8. #18
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    i really liked this movie...its not really anything special, but bale and wahlberg did exceptionally well with their roles, and the supporting cast really gets some genuine emotions out of u...any movie where you can actually hate a character (his mother) did something know its just a movie, but still u have real emotions towards the characters on screen...its an awesome movie, definitely worth watching

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Pro
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    May 2011
    muy buena pelicula, me encantan las peliculas de boxeo, tienen muchas enseñanzas detras de las piñas y las peleas!

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Master
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    Dec 2023
    Frequent goes to here i will discuss the obvious way to appreciate it on your attempt, which often means that Now i am viewing the internet site day-to-day, in search of completely new, useful facts. Quite a few, with thanks!

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