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Thread: Dexter season 5

  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Dexter season 5

    I'm on the last episode of season 5 of Dexter. I have a feeling I'm not going to like the way it ends. I think it's the best season yet. I know people didn't like the final season. What can I expect from 6 and 7? I'm worried there's going to be a bit of a letdown after this one.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Pro
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    They end it kinda crappy, I hope they decide to revive the series.

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member mrfury's Avatar
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    The whole series was great, just enjoy it until it ends. Highly doubt they will revive it though..

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    OK, I'm satisfied with the season 5 finale. On to season 6...

  5. #5
    son is offline
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    just try to communicate to dexter morgan,then you enjoy your time and the series
    but its hard for last season

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jan 2014
    I really liked season five! It's the most disturbing in my opinion, but the most interesting. Season six and seven were good too but I have heard really bad stuff about eight and am afraid to watch

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Oct 2013
    I don't meant to burst your bubble but I was really disappointed in the final two seasons. I am still a huge fan of the series but I really think that the quality diminished in the final seasons. I guess there are only so many ways that you can kill someone. I don't want to give anything away but in the final season they bring in an old character and he/she becomes a central figure throughout, and I have to be honest I didn't really like the character in the first place. I certainly was not hoping to see him/her again. I think they focused to much time on this character during the last season and it was to their detriment. I did not care what happened to him/her so when they spent so much time on him/her they lost my interest.

    I also have to say that I called the ending half way through the final season, not particulars of course but the general idea was very predictable. There were some unexpected turns that I didn't feel did the characters justice. One main character especially in my opinion was snubbed of the closure that they deserved. There is nothing worse than spending almost a decade following the development and growth of a character just to have the writers completely destroy the love and hope you have for them. I get emotionally invested into strong characters and I want to see that investment pay off, in the case of this character I really felt cheated. They took my admiration and care for the character and squandered it. I understand that the show had a lot of characters that viewers cared about and it is hard to give them all the ideal ending and still have the show be dramatically compelling. I think that they should have started the final decent a couple episodes earlier, it just seemed like that ran out of time and had to cram everything into the final episode. They took a shot and in my opinion they missed the target completely.

    I will miss hours and minutes before Dexter came on, every week i had so much anticipation and hope for the show. I have so many good memories of the show and am thankful for. Debra getting promoted to detective, Dexter getting married, and having a baby. Dexter getting his revenge for Rita, and Batista getting the promotion. I am thankful for all the joy that the joy brought me throughout the years and am sad that I will not see Harrison get his first kill lol.

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