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Thread: Big Brother 13

  1. #61
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    The thing annoys me is that people complain about jordan!! I understand she hasnt really done anything but look at the big picutre. The girl has already won a season. And this season has let all her alliance do the dirty work while she just sat back and made friends. And she is pretty much in line to nearly win another season.

    It really annoys me when she is called a floater. NO VET is a floater. It was all the Newbies who were the floaters. They floated from alliance to alliance depending on who won HOH. And LOL at Cowlia. She won a HOH where she did everythin dani told her to do and it was pretty much the worst HOH in history(Talking about how she put up lawann to get him KO'd to give brandon the easiest match ever to get back into the house. Then she luckboxed another HOH in the fast forward week. Other than that she has slept and she thinks shes a gameplayer. Give me a break

  2. #62
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    It really annoys me when she is called a floater. NO VET is a floater.
    I agree with this, hence the phrase, "Floaters grab a life vest!" Which if I am not mistaken was Rachel who started it when she had won a big HOH week on a previous season.
    I also agree with you about Cowlia (lmao) She was Danni's puppet and that makes her a big hypocrit. I cannot wait for tonight, this season went too fast

  3. #63
    Elite PokerOwned Member Bastian2607's Avatar
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    I can only watch the german vision

  4. #64
    PokerOwned Pro seaeyes's Avatar
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    When the feeds returned Wednesday night, Porsche and Adam remarked that they're the only ones that don't have to pack. Adam nominated Jordan and Porsche for eviction, but Porsche won the PoV, and after Thursday's PoV meeting, Rachel and Jordan will be Nominated for Eviction. Porsche will be casting the single vote that determines the final three, and she told Adam that because Jordan won BB11, she's voting her out this time. Remember, just because she said it, doesn't mean she can't change her mind.

  5. #65
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seaeyes View Post
    When the feeds returned Wednesday night, Porsche and Adam remarked that they're the only ones that don't have to pack. Adam nominated Jordan and Porsche for eviction, but Porsche won the PoV, and after Thursday's PoV meeting, Rachel and Jordan will be Nominated for Eviction. Porsche will be casting the single vote that determines the final three, and she told Adam that because Jordan won BB11, she's voting her out this time. Remember, just because she said it, doesn't mean she can't change her mind.
    What feeds? They are streaming it somewhere before it is aired?

  6. #66
    PokerOwned Master
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    big brother is grait brileant program

  7. #67
    PokerOwned Pro seaeyes's Avatar
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    Well tonight is the last night for Big Brother. Wonder if Rachel or Porcha will take Adam to the final 2 and who will win. The backyard interviews after the show will be on, as well as tomorrow they will be broadcasting the wrap party. You have to be a subscriber to watch. Also visit Welcome to Morty's TV and Big Brother Coverage They have people who watch the live feeds and report on whats going on.

  8. #68
    PokerOwned Pro seaeyes's Avatar
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    Well I just opened up superpass and the feeds are down now. The house guest are getting ready for tonights show. Wish they would whats going on since their's 9 hours till show time...Oh well

  9. #69
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    Aug 2011
    Rachel deserves to win. I'm a fan of Evel Dick's play and thought processes, so I've been watching his site for updates and post-show discussions, he also provides a live-feed interaction through twitter as well and has former houseguests that comment and analyze as well: RTVZone | Reality Television

  10. #70
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    I cannot wait for tonight, I kind of want Adam to win, and if not Adam then Rachel.
    I am not a big fan of Porsha.
    That is an awesome link Jersey, thanks!

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