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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    The Artie Lange Show

    Yea was a huge fan of Howard Stern show and Artie when he was on it was a huge part of it being funny....

    But then he just stopped being funny and too racial and the jokes just weren't funny as he was almost trying too hard t be funny and the joke didn't flow well.....

    Obv he left and got his own show and boy is it AWFUL! I'm sorry first off its a "Sports Show" LOLLLLX10000. Nick Dipaolo used to be on the show and he left IDK why but he left...He sucked as a host too....

    But Artie is clueless when it comes to sports! But that doesn't matter, just saying....

    Anyways the show really isn't even funny, I watch it on AUDIENCE channel on DirecTV at nights and the guest SUCK! When they have bands in to play music...The bands SUCK, Horrible segment....

    Is co-host (Partner) John Ritchie (Ex NFL Fullback) is terrible....Has no idea how to talk radio....

    Its just a bad show....Taking breaks every god damn 5 mins LOL.....terrible...

    I would love to know what the ratings are because I can almost guarantee they are slipping on a downhill slope and no sign of stopping.....Where can I find the ratings? But yea you guys watch the show? LOL, Wouldn't blame ya if you didn't...Howard Stern must be laughing his balls off on how bad the show is....And knowing Howard ego he prob is glad it sucks....

    So yea...very very very very very bad!

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Oh yea for anyone that knows his history...(Artie)

    He is 1000000% deff still occasionally doing Heroin!

    Some nights when he is on TV doing the show he looks horrible and high as fuck (Pale complexion, nodding out, wearing sunglasses)

    Cant use the excuse that he is tired anymore like he did when it was 6-7am on the HSshow) Its like 10pm at night me I know when someone is high or not.....mad funny.....

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I dont know abvout the show but his standup called Its the Whiskey Talking is Hilarious.

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