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Results 801 to 810 of 991
  1. #801
    PokerOwned Veteran CTAnon's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Latest accomplishment is being busted out of the PokerOwned $35 freeroll on Carbon by someone playing 44 under the gun. Smooth calls preflop to my push with AK suited. Flop comes out with diamond draw, and inside straight draw. Missed everything. Not happy right now lol

  2. #802
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by CTAnon View Post
    Latest accomplishment is being busted out of the PokerOwned $35 freeroll on Carbon by someone playing 44 under the gun. Smooth calls preflop to my push with AK suited. Flop comes out with diamond draw, and inside straight draw. Missed everything. Not happy right now lol
    That's a nice accomplishment, you lost a single race in which you were approximately 50-50....that means that if that accomplishment is postworthy, all the other happenings for you on Carbon must be 1) winning races....2) moneying regularly in Carbon tourneys 3) Occasionally moneying with big cashes, for example 1sts, 2nds, 3rds 4) Occasionally outdrawing others when you're behind 5) Avoiding bad beats more so than other players...etc etc etc accomplishment on Carbon is that I hold the world's record for never accomplishing anything there at matter which tourneys I play in, I lose...on Carbon that is...I'm OK on other sites....I've had some nice progress on Intertops, Black Chip, etc....but on Carbon, I ALWAYS lose, every tourney...every time I'm ahead in a hand, I lose the hand anyway....Every time I win a race (rarely), I lose the next race. Every time I gamble that my opponent does not have the card I'm afraid he does have, my gamble loses and that opponent does indeed have the one card I'm scared he might have. Every time I get my money in best against 2 different players, one of those players lays a 20%er on me and gets there (ex: I have AA, my 2 oponents have JJ and 66, one of them ALWAYS gets either their set or some incredibly lucky combination leading to a str8 or flush. This has gone on now for, no, not days, not weeks, not months but a SOLID YEAR of NEVER EVEN CASHING, even though I'm a solid WINNING player in poker overall...

    so that's my's way way way way more incredible than any negative accomplishment you have ever achieved.

  3. #803
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    havent really had any thanks for rubbing it in lol

  4. #804
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Apr 2013
    I just finished 30 day rehab for alcohol. I hope to stay sober for the rest of my life. I've won and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars playing poker and have many accomplishments and losses, but sobriety would be the biggest of all.

  5. #805
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by 1234Gunsmoke View Post
    I just finished 30 day rehab for alcohol. I hope to stay sober for the rest of my life. I've won and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars playing poker and have many accomplishments and losses, but sobriety would be the biggest of all.
    Congratulations and I wish you the best of luck with this. One day at a time.

  6. #806
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by 1234Gunsmoke View Post
    I just finished 30 day rehab for alcohol. I hope to stay sober for the rest of my life. I've won and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars playing poker and have many accomplishments and losses, but sobriety would be the biggest of all.
    We are all pulling for you. Congrats my man.

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  7. #807
    PokerOwned Demi-God s810car's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    Well I WAS gonna say my latest run is going so well at this rate ill be able to full time online and post my last 3 days final games, obv I feel like an ass after someone posts a REAL accomplishment. about 4 years myself man, stay strong and don't tilt and relapse either, thats very easy to do, keep a support group available, it gets way easier over time

    Still gonna post my run tho lol
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  8. #808
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1234Gunsmoke View Post
    I just finished 30 day rehab for alcohol. I hope to stay sober for the rest of my life. I've won and lost hundreds of thousands of dollars playing poker and have many accomplishments and losses, but sobriety would be the biggest of all.
    Thanks for sharing that accomplishment, Gunsmoke....I'm on 22 months myself and life is much better for me. I may bitch and complain about bad beats and such, but to wake up in the morning with the desire to play more poker and live life to the fullest is a great feeling.

  9. #809
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    first ever pokerowned freeroll last night and took 3rd - cha-ching

  10. #810
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Dec 2013
    Do you see how much money people have gained on PO? I just joined but how are people gaining 100s of dollars? HELP!!!

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