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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jun 2012
    Ok then... everybody so far says I'm way off on my stats.... my question to everyone in this post is what you think YOURS are? Have you even thought about it? I am at 55% 1st place at my 6 player SnG's.. after 50... 6 Player SnG tourneys on Carbon, I have 18 1st place wins... and madjek... Sharkscope doesn't tell you what kind of bankroll I've built at Carbon Poker either... or anywhere else.... Im listening to what anybody else has to say....rghy2... look what I wrote again... read it.... it's not bad information

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TomKat1958 View Post
    Ok then... everybody so far says I'm way off on my stats.... my question to everyone in this post is what you think YOURS are? Have you even thought about it? I am at 55% 1st place at my 6 player SnG's.. after 50... 6 Player SnG tourneys on Carbon, I have 18 1st place wins... and madjek... Sharkscope doesn't tell you what kind of bankroll I've built at Carbon Poker either... or anywhere else.... Im listening to what anybody else has to say....rghy2... look what I wrote again... read it.... it's not bad information
    Actually sharkscope does tell me your profit made on carbon, which is basically your br built. Now , you seem to either be not communicating what you actually mean or you don't understand percentages. Finishing first 18 out of 50 games (looking at sharkscope i looked at you last 50 and saw 13, but maybe i counted wrong) is not 55%, it is 18/50 X 100= 36%.

    I don't know if you read my whole response, if you did you can see your percentages are way off and unrealistic as none of the top players are anywhere near what you stated. Honestly, i don't know what the pt of this is, but just want you to understand the goals you stated will never happen, there is just too much luck involved and variance would never allow that kind of win rate over the long haul. I wish you all the luck and hope you do well, but imo, only stat that really matters is how much money you get out of poker vs what you put in, if its pos. you've done well.

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    yes.. 36% is accurate overall.... but on 6 player sng's only.. it's 55%... whatever.... you are right... it's what you cash out verses what you've put in... guess what? I've never invested a dime of my own money at online poker... freerolled on four different sites in the past five years and built bankrolls in all of them... my real problem with online poker though... is cashing out... the fuckers won't ever send me my money... so I consider this practice only anyway

  4. #14
    tex is offline
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    Really the thing to me is not to make the money but to win or get in the top three ,if you make it in the money you get maybe 2 to 1 if you win the whole thing it's like 26 to 1 big difference you'd have to place in a whole lot of tourneys to make up for one win.

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Master
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    I feel like I have a really good chance to win any tournament my percentage isn't very good right now but it only took me 4 tournaments to win a pokerowned freeroll. It just depends some on luck are you getting the cards or not. I would say my percentage right now is like 40-50% pretty low.

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    85-90% final table ratio? That is ridiculous. Most poker pro's would consider hitting the money 1 in 5 tournaments to be a good percentage let alone the final table. I'm not talking about free rolls though.

  7. #17
    PokerOwned God
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    the best do around 18-20% itm..anything higher with a great volume of mtts are great

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Online cash outs

    I have received cash outs on Bovada and Absolute back in the day. Bovada has always been very good about paying and you don't have to wait very long for your money after cashing out.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I agree, I'm not sure where the 85-90% ratio came from. No one, no even the best poker players are at tht ratio for final tables.

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Master buonafide's Avatar
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    I've only been playing the freerolls here for MTTs, but I'm at 15% - and with the average Carbon PO tourney that I play having about 80 players, the average player should get there about 12.5% the time - So I'm pulling my weight and a bit more. You guys are some serious competition (most PO players). These freerolls are as serious as some real money games. So the fact that I'm doing slightly better than average AND that I'm new means that I'm only 2.5% full of myself

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