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  1. #1
    I Gots You Dominated MovingFlea's Avatar
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    Oct 2013

    sucked out again

    Just a desperate short stack shove from me with the AQ

    I didin't want to call that river bet (I had a suspicion he had me when the turn card was laid down). but I had a huge, huge stack, and he was a shortstack. What a shortstack was doing calling a raise with T9o is beyond me.

    I made a bad call here, I had enough BB to fold, but I'm still a bit new to deep stack tournament poker. I'm used to playing more shallow, where you would never fold an overpair. Shallower SnG are my specialty. Lesson learned.

    Raised from the button, got minraised. Made the call along with the SB. Pre flop raiser bets (how predictable). So I reraise knowing he doesn't have squat, I have a straight draw and two overs. but the SB who has been playing passively the whole time, actually has a hand, so I'm screwed.
    Last edited by MovingFlea; 10-28-2013 at 05:02 PM.
    Your hole cards are the least important factor in Texas hold'em.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God Swittie's Avatar
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    May 2012
    yeah..merge can be fun ......

    In the beginning God said : "The four dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric second rank tensor equals zero", and at once there was light.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    WOW! These look like some of the hands i have had, like swittie says that's merge for ya!!!

  4. #4
    PokerOwned God Swittie's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    thats why i wish so much Zab was able to switch carbon for bcp: bcp has fast cash outs, great live and email support, p2p and plus their algorithm isnt tard like merge's........

    In the beginning God said : "The four dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric second rank tensor equals zero", and at once there was light.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God AcesUp1439's Avatar
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    Jul 2012
    I know the feeling. I just had my AQ of diamonds beat by 105 of spades flush on the river. MERGED AGAIN.

  6. #6
    I Gots You Dominated MovingFlea's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    Volume 2 (more to come, trust me)

    I know this looks like a bad play on my part. I would have played it more aggressively, but the donk was raising every hand, and showed down 63o. So instead of scaring him off with a reraise I called him down. These kinds of plays are not ABC poker and unfamiliar, even to me, so I bungled it plain and simple, if I had more experience, I would have laid it down on the turn or even the river. Technically, he still did suck out.

    I know I played very poorly in this hand. But I was on tilt. Can you blame me? All of these hands have happened in the last 2 days...This has been going on for A WHOLE FU---- WEEK now. These types of suckouts, multiple times a day, for huge pots or my entire stack. I'm not even showing the coolers (like having KK vs AA, type of beats), which have been just as numerous.. I am officially on tilt. I even changing my strategy to try to "out play" the poker gods and their bad beats and set ups. At least until I shake off this bad luck.

    Playing just ONE game today, because I diidn't want to tilt even more. And yes, I lose with KK. This is getting so gay. TWO hands sucked out on KK! I still cashed, but only because I have massive skill.

    First game I played today, once more. Another fucking suckout for half my stack. It's non stop.
    Last edited by MovingFlea; 10-28-2013 at 01:39 PM.
    Your hole cards are the least important factor in Texas hold'em.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jun 2011
    it happens. plus k3 is a pretty hard hand to follow through with after the turn..

  8. #8
    I Gots You Dominated MovingFlea's Avatar
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    Oct 2013
    I've been grinding a lot, but I can't handle this anymore. I'm playing differently now. That's how you know its time to take a break. So no moar funny suck out pictures, at least not in the same volume.

    For anyone else that is going through the same thing, try to focus moar on other things in your life. Poker just isn't worth being your 1st priority. It really works best as a second income or as a hobby. Too much variance and uncertainty.
    Your hole cards are the least important factor in Texas hold'em.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Master
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MovingFlea View Post

    Just a desperate short stack shove from me with the AQ

    Raised from the button, got minraised. Made the call along with the SB. Pre flop raiser bets (how predictable). So I reraise knowing he doesn't have squat, I have a straight draw and two overs. but the SB who has been playing passively the whole time, actually has a hand, so I'm screwed.

    I made a bad call here, I had enough BB to fold, but I'm still a bit new to deep stack tournament poker. I'm used to playing more shallow, where you would never fold an overpair. Shallower SnG are my specialty. Lesson learned.

    I didin't want to call that river bet (I had a suspicion he had me when the turn card was laid down). but I had a huge, huge stack, and he was a shortstack. What a shortstack was doing calling a raise with T9o is beyond me.
    o nvm i read op wrong. gonna edit post again with my new thoughts

    1st hand: standard

    2nd hand: fold pre, utg is opening 3x and ur hand is awful against his opening range. as played, i like ur flop bet. turn um pot is ~2080 i'm probably betting like 65% getting it in so i prefer bet/call shove > check shove > check call.

    3rd hand: u played it fine tbh. idk if u had a read on the limper but ur sizing looked way too big. u should prolly make it like 3.5x if hes limping. however if u think he's limp calling ur 5x in the sb then it's fine. ur flop bet is waaaaay too big. pot is 330 u should be betting 65% on a semi wet board like that. as played, u should get it in because ur opponent has ALOT of Jx hands and draws that he's willing to get it in. i'm also guessing this is a $1 tourney so it's certainly likely. plus remember he can re-enter if he busts.

    4th hand: 19bbs make ur sizing on the button to 2.2-2.5x, 3x is way too big. once sb flats ur btn open and BB 3bets u to 300->500 there are more than enough chips in the pot to reshove.

    i don't like flatting here because ur going to the flop multiway and altho u have position ur gonna miss with KQo alot that ur just losing 5bbs most of the time. so ur option preflop is either shove (which i would DEFINITELY do unless u have a definite read on ur opp that hes capable of 3betting u small btn vs BB with a narrow range), or fold. as played, u need to FOLD postflop if ur opp doesn't cbet often. btw, if u think he doesn't have squat when he 3bets u then why not shove?
    Last edited by lorenz0wns; 10-27-2013 at 02:52 AM.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MovingFlea View Post
    Volume 2 (more to come, trust me)

    I know this looks like a bad play on my part. I would have played it more aggressively, but the donk was raising every hand, and showed down 63o. So instead of scaring him off with a reraise I called him down. These kinds of plays are not ABC poker and unfamiliar, even to me, so I bungled it plain and simple, if I had more experience, I would have laid it down on the turn or even the river. Technically, he still did suck out.

    I know I played very poorly in this hand. But I was on tilt. Can you blame me? All of these hands have happened in the last 2 days...This has been going on for A WHOLE FU---- WEEK now. These types of suckouts, multiple times a day, for huge pots or my entire stack. I'm not even showing the coolers (like having KK vs AA, type of beats), which have been just as numerous.. I am officially on tilt. I even changing my strategy to try to "out play" the poker gods and their bad beats and set ups. At least until I shake off this bad luck.
    1st hand: he showed down 63o? how much chips did he win? regardless, this is a very wet board and i prefer folding to his river bet because generally villains don't run triple barrel bluffs on a board like this unless they are EXTREMELY SPEWEY. i think on a board like that i would check raise the flop vs this particular villain because since he's capable of firing the turn their are a ton of cards on the turn that are just awful.

    try and get it in on the flop otherwise get it in on the turn if he calls ur check raise. as for the check raise sizing, i'd prolly make it like ~1800 so u give him a chance of bluff shoving or calling then shoving any turn card.

    2nd hand: AQo utg idk what ur stack size (or villains stack's size) is in that hand but u need to raise it. as played, i like the check call on that board because villain could easily not hit that board. turn is fine and since villain checked back turn and river paired the board u need to figure out if villain has nothing or has anything that beats Ahigh and since u have an ace in ur hand it makes it unlikely (but possible ofc) that i have an ace. since he checked back turn, i think he has showdown value because if he had nothing then he would have to fire again on that turn.

    so on the river, he's representing 6s over 10s for a full house, overpairs, any pairs or nothing and i think it's more likely that he has those hands than nothing. however, if u think that villains capable of having a decent amt of Kx's or Qx's in his range then u may have a decent reason to call (considering AQo high will be good a decent amt of the time in that runout) however u need to find out whether hes capable of opening light in EP.
    Last edited by lorenz0wns; 10-27-2013 at 03:26 AM.

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