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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God wagon596's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Roughest two Weeks.

    The last two weeks have been a nightmare,,,three, two and sometimes one outers have beat me like I was "Tied To The Whipping Post". I think this has been the roughest time I've gone through in a few years. Of course going on tilt hasn't helped either.

    I'm not crying I just needed to vent. I've found by getting things outside my head allows me to see things a little better. I try to tell myself the longer the losing streak, the better the winnings when things turn around. Not sure I think it's true but I have to think so. ROFLMAO

    Take care

  2. #2
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    what games are you playing? I suggest getting some variance out of the way and seeing gd cards win by playing super low buy in turbos. low cost, low pain on bad streaks and the players suck. You should get your mojo back after playing a 100 or so. (.11 bumblebees)

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Had a similar time a couple years ago: I almost quit Absolute ring games. IT was a bad month when: my flopped sets got out setted all in on the flop 4x in a row then AA lost like 5x in a row plus a few others. All were all in either pre flop or on the flop. This was all in a very short time period. I though someone was punking me. After the stories of super accounts on Absolute I was a lil paranoid. I decided to take my last $175 and go up 4 levels and shove.... I actually one a 3 way hand for $200 after turning a str8 - I stayed, calmed down - AND went back down to levels my BR could handle. Took some time off if I recall.

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