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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran MPALER's Avatar
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    Jan 2013

    Poker Maximus 7.5k 2.20 main event (Donkus-Maximus)

    So, I played this game, yet with a THREE HOUR (lmao) late entry, it was packed with well over 1k players.

    Anyrate, I make one mistake after doing pretty well and chipping up, then run into a "it's only $2.20? I can afford that" non-player, who thinks pot odds are what the soup of the day might be at their favorite restaurant. "I hope it's chicken noodle. I like Chicken noodle. What are the odds it's chicken noodle today, honey?"

    So, I'm out, but wait! There is a rebuy! I check my account balance and...crap, $1.43. So, I start bombing the 11 cent super turbo games to get the pennies I need to rebuy.

    Ever play the super turbos? 300 starting stack, 3 minute blinds. It's like Sherman's march to the sea, if he and the Northern troops had rockets strapped to their asses and you are a Southerner in their path. Or, if you're not a history buff, it's like eating a cactus whole and then getting explosive diarrhea. Yes. One or two games is like that. I had to play about 15 of those to make it...and finally I have 2.23! I feel like I just birthed a small mountain range, but hey, I'm back in the game!

    So, I re enter, 5 minutes left to late reg. Levels are actually not to shabby, 1200 BB (lol). The big stack at the table only has 157k. I am the short stack. Next short stack is only 52k. Who don't like that situation? Sure enough, in no time I have amassed a 30k stack. I am doing great. The bubble is approaching fast now...

    Then, I get moved to a new table. Do you think the calling stations and loons are gone by now? No, of course not. I run into Sheriff Mc-you're-not-bluffin-me, who kills my flopped set by donking to the stupid end of a 4 card straight. Just never enough overcards to a small PP, is there? No, no there is not. Not even every card on the damn flop. And who won't risk their whole stack with the additional safety net and security an oddball runner runner hand provides? Not this guy, clearly.

    No, not this Sheriff. For all the good it did him. Next hand after donk-smacking me into the felt, I got the satisfaction of watching him call an all in post flop when his J-3 suited paired the Jack (it was only 1/2 his stack to call preflop, yet, after all, it was suited!) and he ran into the overpair (KK) of a player smart enough to know a fish when he sees one. Well, there was one of his suit on the flop, so that runner-runner backup plan came into his decision, yet sadly, let him down. I felt so bad (not).

    So, I'm pretty bummed by now, right? Then I look a the pays. The game started out with a $30.00 + min pay, only now it was down to like 7 measly dollars! And the top pay got whittled down something horrible. Hell, I could have found a 7.5k GTD game for $2.20, with fewer players and less late entry! Better payout amounts as well! WTF!?!

    Oh, well. I think I'll go eat some chicken noodle soup now.
    Last edited by MPALER; 09-11-2013 at 06:05 PM.


  2. #2
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MPALER View Post
    So, I played this game, yet with a THREE HOUR (lmao) late entry, it was packed with well over 1k players.

    Anyrate, I make one mistake after doing pretty well and chipping up, then run into a "it's only $2.20? I can afford that" non-player, who thinks pot odds are what the soup of the day might be at their favorite restaurant. "I hope it's chicken noodle. I like Chicken noodle. What are the odds it's chicken noodle today, honey?"

    So, I'm out, but wait! There is a rebuy! I check my account balance and...crap, $1.43. So, I start bombing the 11 cent super turbo games to get the pennies I need to rebuy.

    Ever play the super turbos? 300 starting stack, 3 minute blinds. It's like Sherman's march to the sea, if he and the Northern troops had rockets strapped to their asses and you are a Southerner in their path. Or, if you're not a history buff, it's like eating a cactus whole and then getting explosive diarrhea. Yes. One or two games is like that. I had to play about 15 of those to make it...and finally I have 2.23! I feel like I just birthed a small mountain range, but hey, I'm back in the game!

    So, I re enter, 5 minutes left to late reg. Levels are actually not to shabby, 1200 BB (lol). The big stack at the table only has 157k. I am the short stack. Next short stack is only 52k. Who don't like that situation? Sure enough, in no time I have amassed a 30k stack. I am doing great. The bubble is approaching fast now...

    Then, I get moved to a new table. Do you think the calling stations and loons are gone by now? No, of course not. I run into Sheriff Mc-you're-not-bluffin-me, who kills my flopped set by donking to the stupid end of a 4 card straight. Just never enough overcards to a small PP, is there? No, no there is not. Not even every card on the damn flop. And who won't risk their whole stack with the additional safety net and security an oddball runner runner hand provides? Not this guy, clearly.

    No, not this Sheriff. For all the good it did him. Next hand after donk-smacking me into the felt, I got the satisfaction of watching him call an all in post flop when his J-3 suited paired the Jack (it was only 1/2 his stack to call preflop, yet, after all, it was suited!) and he ran into the overpair (KK) of a player smart enough to know a fish when he sees one. Well, there was one of his suit on the flop, so that runner-runner backup plan came into his decision, yet sadly, let him down. I felt so bad (not).

    So, I'm pretty bummed by now, right? Then I look a the pays. The game started out with a $30.00 + min pay, only now it was down to like 7 measly dollars! And the top pay got whittled down something horrible. Hell, I could have found a 7.5k GTD game for $2.20, with fewer players and less late entry! Better payout amounts as well! WTF!?!

    Oh, well. I think I'll go eat some chicken noodle soup now.
    love the detail, sorry you got put into the wood chipper. I will have a bowl of soup for this occasion.............

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  3. #3
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    i love late reg, and you should also. it's the only reason guarantee's are reasonable at merge atm

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Wow sounds like u deserved to win but yet the donkey came into the path! Those tourny's are packed worse then 100 cans of sardines lol.. Ah well man Better luck next time. Cheers

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran MPALER's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Hopefully the 33.00 main event will be better. 7500 starting chips, 15 minute levels, and, HOPEFULLY, fewer loose cannons. At least near the bubble, late in the game!


  6. #6
    PokerOwned Veteran MPALER's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Drywallman3 View Post
    love the detail, sorry you got put into the wood chipper. I will have a bowl of soup for this occasion.............
    Is it chicken noodle?


  7. #7
    Its 2016. Poker is Dead NeilZelkin's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    I just wish they would legalize online poker and be done with it. Please.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Veteran
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  9. #9
    PokerOwned Demi-God ddavey25's Avatar
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    Mar 2012
    I feel your pain .......I am at one till itm....just doubled....guy on button jams I have aq big blind....insta call knowing he is a phucktard.....he hits jack....I still have 22k going into money spots....sure enough hand me QQ....k9 jams....think if im going to lose king falls....nope runner runner for a heart flush....hate running deep just to lose to idiots jamming with any two.

  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Aug 2013
    A sad story, but a good read. Very well articulated sir.

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