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  1. #51
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    and yet another oneeee haha...goddamnit i want to know where these developers learned math....the %s NEVER work out how the fucc their supposed to...the rare times they do hold up is when the pot is meaningless and nobody does anything crazy...but when one person is slow playing or trapping the other person? o man u better BELIEVEEEE the person behind is gonna hit his monster hand...i thought hands were stronger based on the likelihood they will come out? (ie stronger hands are less likely to hit and weaker hands are more likely to hit)but its like wow i've flopped straights and wen i slow play them some insane boat hits, i have flush draws and straight draws and when i miss i lose and even WHEN I HIT I GET SUCKED OUT ON full houses are the easiest shyt to hit in poker, i see them every time i have a straight or a flush..
    To be fair you put in 4600 chips into that pot and out of those 4600 you only put in 500 when u were ahead. Basically you put in 3900 chips out of the 4600 total when you were behind. Not really Merge screwing you over.

  2. #52
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Does it seem to you that after your first good hand gets cracked that it just keeps sliding from there? If it does dude then maybe it might be that you are steemin of the previous loses and are just making bad over bets on the hands you have, trying to regain. Patience is hard to discover, but is a big factor of the game.
    Good luck in the future

  3. #53
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    To be fair you put in 4600 chips into that pot and out of those 4600 you only put in 500 when u were ahead. Basically you put in 3900 chips out of the 4600 total when you were behind. Not really Merge screwing you over.
    yea that was a tilt hand but i just wanted to show how funny it is that people hit their boats a will...i'll be likr 50% and never hit one out but then wen i have a straight with the flush draw the guy's pretty much always gonna hit his boat on the river there, its expected...and to the other guy yea i start tilting immediately after a sick suckout but im getting better at not letting it ruin my chances...i think some of these hands are just insanely sick, idk

  4. #54
    PokerOwned God CUSTOMTABLES's Avatar
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    merged is deff fkin rigged....lets be realll......they dont wanna earn more money? cmon lets be reall.....ftp and ps are proven points!!! ub with their bots.....umm the list goes on....if for 1 fkin minute u dont believe there are bots on these sites ur out of ur mind!!!!

  5. #55
    PokerOwned Veteran MsPokerVerse's Avatar
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    Part of it could be merge I suppose to an extent as it has happened to me as well. That being said, the poker sites don't care or kno who is going to win that particular game or table etc. I have started looking at my game play and how I play that particular hand and how I could play it differently so that the outcome is better. Good luck to you. *hugs*
    ~Always have faith, believe in yourself, and look forward and you can achieve anything you want~

  6. #56
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    agreed, they wont fix tournaments, bad beats are just apart of the game.

  7. #57
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    lol your probably thinking of the cards the person needs to win thats what i felt like was happening to me so i stopped thinking about what cards the person needed to win and sometimes they didnt come

  8. #58
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fireworks View Post
    lol your probably thinking of the cards the person needs to win thats what i felt like was happening to me so i stopped thinking about what cards the person needed to win and sometimes they didnt come
    lol that is actually exactly what i do...but then i also think about the ccards i need wen i need to catch them but it never works =( oh well

  9. #59
    New Member
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    th 10s, flopped my set and checked...he jammed and obviously i calls, he hits his king on the river...i've tried adjusting my play and its j

  10. #60
    Seasoned Veteran
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    hey remember when you donked me in a po freeroll 3 handed you limped from sb for 600 more and i pushed AQ in the bb for like 13k you called me with k9 and sucked out so dont act like you play by the book. stop letting yourself get so tilted if you cant handle bad beats dont play period

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