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  1. #41
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    and yet another oneeee haha...goddamnit i want to know where these developers learned math....the %s NEVER work out how the fucc their supposed to...the rare times they do hold up is when the pot is meaningless and nobody does anything crazy...but when one person is slow playing or trapping the other person? o man u better BELIEVEEEE the person behind is gonna hit his monster hand...i thought hands were stronger based on the likelihood they will come out? (ie stronger hands are less likely to hit and weaker hands are more likely to hit)but its like wow i've flopped straights and wen i slow play them some insane boat hits, i have flush draws and straight draws and when i miss i lose and even WHEN I HIT I GET SUCKED OUT ON full houses are the easiest shyt to hit in poker, i see them every time i have a straight or a flush..
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  2. #42
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    i dont want to hear i just got knocked out of another tournament lol
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  3. #43
    PokerOwned Master crp62885's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    This Makes me lol

  4. #44
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    yea all u can do is laugh otherwise ud just kill urself...its incredible how in the span of just 3 hours i've shown how i got knocked out of all my tournaments today, all after a decent run and in a respectable position...whatever tho nobody cares unless they're losing too...otherwise everyone just comes in and doesn't say shit that means anything...fair enough

  5. #45
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    yea all u can do is laugh otherwise ud just kill urself...its incredible how in the span of just 3 hours i've shown how i got knocked out of all my tournaments today, all after a decent run and in a respectable position...whatever tho nobody cares unless they're losing too...otherwise everyone just comes in and doesn't say shit that means anything...fair enough
    I honestly know how you feel.. Having a rough week myself so far or month or year what ever u wanna call it. Funny how "variance" fucks ya more often then not. Id like to know how anyone else is making money online. odds say if i get it in good im gonna win more often then not but that sure aint how online works for me..

    Like ya said tho what are ya gonna do, been biting my tongue alot lately
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  6. #46
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    i think fuck all the math shit because wen u do have 100% hand nobody else ever has shit so u dont win anything...but then these ridiculous action hands come up and its like o of course that was gonna happen "its standard"...fuck that, from now on im not gonna care what anyone thinks just play any card i feel lucky about..if i can flop a boat with 63o then fuck it im gonna go for it...i've lost more and much bigger pots with "premium" hands than i've ever won with them, and the pots i win wen i get lucky are extroadinary...sticking to premium hands has only led me to get sucked out on in huge pots, and wen i fold a marginal hand (when im 'supposed" to fold it) always shows me that i missed the absolute nuts...idk what this is gonna lead to but hey it cant be much worse than this suicide run im going on these past 2 $30 in a freeroll then kill myself trying to break even and then just going on a downward spiral on a million river suckouts...i need to gain some fucking traction already, i know for a fact once i get a decent BR i can crush the higher MTTs...just gotta get there tho

  7. #47
    PokerOwned Master
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    today i lose like you with AA vs 1010 in the river he set a 10 so sick men

  8. #48
    PokerOwned Demi-God StackSnack's Avatar
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    I am so sick of Merge and other sites hiding behind "Variance" What a crock of chit!!! Don't you ever get the feeling like they have already decided who is going to win each tourney? I can give a list of names on Merge that just seems to hit there amazing 5 7 suited every time they play it. Then they play there QQ against an AA and they amazingly hit a set on the flop. Come one folks...Open your eyes. I think this will be last Bash Merge post I make until the truth comes out. I am not a pro, but I have found success on the amateur level for some time now. And you will always here things like, "It even happens in Live Games" This is true, but never do the same players always hit there amazing 2 outers in every freaking game they play like they do on Merge. INDUCTIVE REASONING:IF IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK, SWIMS LIKE A DUCK, AND QUACKS LIKE A DUCK, THEN IT PROBABLY IS A DUCK."

  9. #49
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jan 2012
    i totally understand how u feel but we as player gotta keep on playing wat to do its who we are. we are all players i am double player as also i njoy lots play video games n get xbox360 achievements no time for rest only time for enjoy if not having fun play poker its best to take break and return when feel rdy to play again, best of luk for u.

  10. #50
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    yea idk..i dont deposit so that makes me happy at least, but its so frustrating wen u finally get a good run with ur freeroll winnings and then it all gets stripped away from u...literally like robbery...makes no sense...and just this morning i missed 4 open ended straight draws on the flop, but the same one person outflopped me wen i had him dominated twice and shoved with aj against my jacks on a 337 board just to river his ace was all expected, i love how typical this shyt is now

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