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  1. #21
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MrPokerVerse View Post
    The beauty about going over HH is just that, if your getting beat time after with a set then really need to look at why. Most Poker software (many are free) will allow a search criteria and you can take a look to why. If doing everything correctly then atleast you have determined that. I have some leaks in my game this way. Even to point of letting someone I respect look at some and find out if missed value, should have folded or other aspects that I might have over looked.

    We all have been in the same boat as you, you can't always win and when you doing things correctly and still losing that doesn't mean it is wrong. Unless you take the time to find out, you really never know.
    tru i mean i do overlook HH once in a while but i've never really analyzed my game like that thru my hh...when u say theres poker software like that do u mean he regular hand histories u can look at urself thru ur poker software or are there specific softwares u can get for this? i think i'd like to get into that and see if i can improve somehow

  2. #22
    Elite PokerOwned Member MrPokerVerse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    tru i mean i do overlook HH once in a while but i've never really analyzed my game like that thru my hh...when u say theres poker software like that do u mean he regular hand histories u can look at urself thru ur poker software or are there specific softwares u can get for this? i think i'd like to get into that and see if i can improve somehow
    Merge allows you to save the HH on your computer for I think 30 days. I did this on FTP and PokerStars where I had 4 to 5 years of history. When I deposited on FTP as bonus I got Poker Office, it not a great sortware to use while playing but allowed lot of flexibility to search and filter hands.

    Merge files are little more complicated to convert but there is programs that will save them and build a database. I see lot people posting hands from tournaments past 30 days there is programs to do it. First time I ran it on FTP my biggest losing hand was A Q. Was playing it to strong out of position. This was an easy correction. I would never known unless I ran the HH. Was playing so much that never took time to look at that stuff.

    If you can post a few of those hands, there are a ton of players here that could offer their advise or opinions. Even if it is not the way you would have played it, you have opened up some avenues that you might not have thought about before.

    This game does change (in way its played) quickly. Great books back in the day really don't apply or transition to todays game. We as players have to evolved with it.
    Last edited by MrPokerVerse; 07-09-2012 at 04:28 PM.
    "When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience leaves with money and the man with money leaves with experience." anonymous quote

  3. #23
    New Member Fletch's Avatar
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    I feel ya been going threw the same kinda ordeal on Merge, aa flop set to 67o flush kk has lost 14x's in a row ak to aq, aj, ace rag riverd a good 90% of the time with the best hand pre. Is it rigged, are there bots or is it the donkey bka gamblers luck that gets us? I always wonder. When 85o calls my 3bet and I have paa the flop is low rainbow I shove and rr55 hits I wonder; Is it rigged, was that a bot or mabe a site worker playen? I mean come on. Or is it just some one that depos $1k a week and just doesnt care. In the long run solid in pos play pays beter then the any 2 donk theory I think. I can say one thing maybe 2 I might get a lil mad when I lose playen good solid poker but I dont feel like an idiot who plays weak folding hands and wonder why he never wins. May the Poker Gods of solid poker reward your skill, chin up and keep trucken on!!!

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Master
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    I know this happens to me every time it never fails.

    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    like wtf am i supposed 2 do when i flop a set and EVERY FUCKING TIME the other person spikes their better set on the river? no matter how i play it, either i get it all in behind preflop or i get it allin when im CRUSHING them with a set, no matter what they always river a set to beat mine or to outdraw on me...every open ended flush draw i have on the flop NEVER hits, naked flush draws or straight draws never catch, gut shots never catch, aces never hold up, kings always get cracked...but then wen i finally can get it in a position where the other person is drawing to only two or three outs, im more surprised when i win (rarely) than i am when they hit their outs...i dont get it man it really just makes me want to break something

  5. #25
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Because they can. What you gonna do about it? That's what I thought, NOTHING.

  6. #26
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    let me crunch the numbers real quick...yea 5+5 is 10, congrats...and like i said in my post, i was looking for suggestions as to 'what am i supposed to do"...never mentioned any rigging in any of my posts, just looking for any feedback as to what could possibly be a way to avoid the inevitable variance raping me...
    ssuglia said it best. Variance is rough. I remember a point no matter how I played a was running bad for 3 weeks. Variance can be 1 day or months.

    I would think to myself this is unreal. The one thing I will always remember from a good player is he told me you can't control how another player plays, all you can do is remember them and their play style and hope next time you get it in good and return the favor

    Just keep trying, there are tons of winning players here and even they can tell you how many sick beats they have witnessed or have had it done to them.

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  7. #27
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fletch View Post
    I feel ya been going threw the same kinda ordeal on Merge, aa flop set to 67o flush kk has lost 14x's in a row ak to aq, aj, ace rag riverd a good 90% of the time with the best hand pre. Is it rigged, are there bots or is it the donkey bka gamblers luck that gets us? I always wonder. When 85o calls my 3bet and I have paa the flop is low rainbow I shove and rr55 hits I wonder; Is it rigged, was that a bot or mabe a site worker playen? I mean come on. Or is it just some one that depos $1k a week and just doesnt care. In the long run solid in pos play pays beter then the any 2 donk theory I think. I can say one thing maybe 2 I might get a lil mad when I lose playen good solid poker but I dont feel like an idiot who plays weak folding hands and wonder why he never wins. May the Poker Gods of solid poker reward your skill, chin up and keep trucken on!!!
    So are you saying being selective aggressive is weak? Folding hands you shouldnt be playin is weak?
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  8. #28
    PokerOwned Pro
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    lol i dont understand this... me too

  9. #29
    PokerOwned God
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    all sites will rape you regardless, understand that and no when to take a break..donks are on all sites

  10. #30
    PokerOwned God
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    Sounds like you should just stop playing. If that is really happening that often and you are never winning, then just quit.

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