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  1. #131
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Apr 2011
    3 games today alone i floped a set and other pusher/caller flopped bigger set. action rigging youll get ysed to it lol

  2. #132
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTOMTABLES View Post
    bro relax....its a fkin freeroll...i just jammed for 40k in another game...get snapped call by fkin 1010 n get fucked by 10 on happens....happens to me fuckin dailty....
    everyone says it happens to them daily but they they go sucking out on other people fucking them over...i still try to play smart and get it in while im ahead and i still get fucked every time...very rarely do i get it in behind because i try to play properly as much as possible but obviously that's dumb're supposed 2 just shove wen u've got a marginal hand and close ur eyes and pray cuz 90% of the time that shit works

  3. #133
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    HOLY FUCKING SHIT LMAOOOOOOOO omfg....i have by farrrrr the ABSOLUTE WORST LUCK ON THIS FUCKING SITE i swear to god the fuck is this shit possible? how the fuckkkkk do i get knocked out like this in every single tournament i play? fucking morons calling every raise and shove and everything like a fucking moron and always get saved? how the FUCK DOES THIS HAPPEN EVERY SINGLE TIME i dont understand it at all omg
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  4. #134
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    then, every single fucking time, the idiots always act like 'hey it happens to me all the time bro' are u fucking kidding me? really? so because people suck out on u all the time you're going to go out of ur way to play like a fucking down syndrome patient and then act surprised and apologetic wen u catch? god the players on this site are such a fucking disgusting joke i dont understand how the fuck merge can alawys come to their matter how few outs they have they always catch after they made the horrible allin...and no matter how many fucking outs my miserable ass self ever has, GOD FORBID A GOOD HAND HOLDS UP FOR ME...i dont understand this fucking shit man

  5. #135
    Elite PokerOwned Member tp3rd's Avatar
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    play Bovada....hands hold up like they should and the continuous suckouts like at Merge only happen occasionally!!

  6. #136
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Why wont you listen? You really think your the only one this is happening to? seriously? Quit going for races, your obviously fat and slow like me so QUIT racing.

    Im not saying i wont again but i also rant just like this of how is that fkin possible..How the FK can he call with nothing only to be rewarded. If you keep "getting it in good" then all u can do is know you got it in good.. Some people are not meant to be lucky and i am one of them also.. I agree you shouldnt have to "get lucky" for your/my hands to hold when you have them dominated but that is poker.

    From what all ive seen is you like to get it in good(which is ok but...) but have you ever thought about leaving yourself room to fold? If you wanna be a winning player you have to leave your self a way out of the hand regardless of how far ahead you are. There 5 cards on the board to come not just the 2 in your hand. If you keep getting it in good and losing have you thought about getting away from pushing when u think( or know) ur ahead. You will have donks push you in but you need to think about playing the hand out as MUCH as possible!!! Results are finite when you get it in and your not having good luck doing that. with that said stop pushing and play the hand out and only go allin when you have the nuts or close to it.. It will help out your game ALOT!! Maybe not your luck but your game will improve when you can stay away from allins.

    Trust me your not the only one going thru this daily.. I used to rant alot on here but it just doesnt help, no one is going to help when your ranting is relentless(trust me i know). Know one thing for sure, well 2. 1. your not going to run over a donk and 2. your not going to push them out of a hand they want to play..
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  7. #137
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    yea you're absolutely right...i've started folding a lot more and like i said earlier my VPIP is consistently below 18%...i cant play any tighter than that and then wen the blinds get to a ccertain point there is no room to fold wen i've got what should b the best hand before the river comes're right tho i gotta figure out how to not get myself in those situations so often

  8. #138
    PokerOwned Demi-God ddavey25's Avatar
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    I am one to believe that no one realizes the amount of hands per hour you are playing....There are no more bad beats on merge than playing play more hands per hour is the only reason you see more bad beats in online abwil says above....."the best you can do is stay patient and get your money in good"....sometimes your hand wont hold but it happens on all sites and live.....good luck and stay tight and focused......yodaofpoker

  9. #139
    PokerOwned Demi-God ddavey25's Avatar
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    also being ahead never means your hand will dont go all in everytime your ahead. sometimes hands are meant to be played out and it can save you chips when you take a bad beat...This is one I am still teaching myself...its hard not to go over the top when you know your ahead...but you can usually tell if someone is going to make a call. If you feel your hand may not hold or someone is on a draw a simple reraise instead of all in will show that they are chasing. Then your tournament ending isnt at risk...

  10. #140
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by potfan42o View Post
    my kings gets cracked alot but oh well. suggulia has a good point. getting mad dont solve much either - good luck
    oh YEAH ??!!! ---> well, can I not get sooo p-off'ed when I have TRIP aces after the flop,.... and some fool goes allin after the flop with 2/6,....and eventually catches his flush by the river ??!!!!!

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