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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Nabsters pocket change challenge.

    I was at a local gas station today getting ready to check out and happened to look down and saw a row of net spend cards. This brought back many happy memories of my days of playing on bovada. I changed to WPN about a year ago because of their P2P feature, but Bovada is where I got my start with online poker so I guess you could say it holds a certain place in my heart if you will. After checking out and going home I got to thinking more and more about how much I always enjoyed playing on bovada. Most of my poker roll is tied up on WPN but I decided that whatever cash I had in my pocket at the time I would deposit on bovada and give my self some sort of challenge to run it up.

    I had $90 in cash so that is what I had to work with. I put $85 on the card after paying the $4.95 load fee. (bummer) I was only able to deposit $80 because of their 4.9% fee that ended up being $3.92. (double bummer) I did get a 100% deposit bonus that is paid in $10 increments for every 50 player points earned. I also was told I will receive a $10+$1 tournament ticket in the next 24-48 hours. This is a major win for me because with my bankroll I will not be able to play in any big tournaments for a little while.

    So why am I posting this? Well I need your help. I want to come up with an interesting challenge for myself and I am not creative enough to think up anything fun. I realize that with the small starting roll my options are kind of limited, but while I certainly am not going to be playing 100NL I am not super stressed about following a strict BRM system, this is really supposed to be fun. So all ideas should keep BRM in mind but at the same time not let BRM cripple the fun element...make sense? Should I just set a dollar amount goal for a months time? Or maybe set it up by number of games, like play 20 sngs and see how much profit I can make. Also what do I do with my $10 bonuses as they come in? Just add them to the BR or do something particular with them? When do I use the $10+$1 ticket? I am open to any and all suggestions, I have no doubt that the good folks at PO will come up with some exciting, challenging, but most importantly, FUN challenges.

    Thanks in advance guys.

    Decided to take the cash I had in my pockets and deposit on previous favorite site for old times sake. Have $80 plus (4) $10 bonuses for every 50 player points earned and a $10+$1 tourney ticket to work with. Looking for suggestions for a fun challenge to run it up. BRM needs to be taken into consideration but not to the point of crippling the fun.
    Last edited by nab76; 07-12-2014 at 04:54 AM.
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bankroll up to $92.85 after binking a $1 9 man SNG and a quick profit in a zone 5NL game. Had a much bigger profit until I get KK in the SB 2 people limp and then the BTN raises to .50 I raise to $1 BB folds and the first limper raises to $2 other limper folds BTN shoves around $6. I know he has AA like 90% of the time here but I also think at these stakes most players are going to play JJ-AA pretty much this same way also, I obviously call, surprisingly the original limper folds but unsurprisingly the BTN shows AA and holds. After spending about a minute thinking about it after the hand I realize that I am never folding KK pre-flop at these stakes unless for some reason I am playing stupidly deep and even then I doubt I'm really ever letting it go.
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    bankroll at $101.04 after another good zone 5NL session.
    Look forward to reading some good ideas when I get up this afternoon!!
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Really thought I would get some interesting ideas from the community, kinda bummed that no one came up with anything. Maybe it is just too low of an amount that no one is interested, I guess I understand that. Like I said my real poker roll is tied up on BCP and this was really just for fun and the nostalgia factor.

    Anyways I got 8th in a $5+.50 10K guarantee for a score of $170. I really chit the bed at the final table. We were at 9 players for a long, long time, people calling the short stack shoves weak looking for the KOs, shorties kept doubling, you know how it is. This gave me the chance to watch everyone's play and even tho it was a small sample size I felt comfortable saying I was the best player at the table.

    Finally we got down to 8 and me and another guy were pretty much tied for the chip lead. My flopped set of 8s got turned into a bluff when the board came 8c10cJh2cAc A guy in the middle of the pack stack wise called my bets on every street with Qc8s. Gross. Thoughts on how I should have played this? I was upset but had no doubt I could come back.

    Couple orbits later I had worked my wayback up to third in chips. I get dealt QKhh in the SB. The guy UTG who is also the new chip leader opens to 6bbs Everyone folds to me I call, BB folds. Flop comes 10s9hJh I mean I am pretty much busting a nut at this point because he cant have AJ-AK of hearts obv, and I don't see him raising x6 UTG with any other heart combo MAYBE A10 but I doubted it. I check knowing that he will Cbet. He does and its a shove. I call. Freaking shows A3hh. I'm yelling at the monitor no heart!!! no heart!!! Turn 5c this is when I realize the 10h is no good for him great one less out for him so 6 cards that beat me with one card left to come, I win this about 88 times out of 100 right?. River.................5h. My heart sinks, its a mistake, I must be reading the board wrong, right? I didn't really lose with that hand? No mistake I'm out in 8th outa 1,840 entries. GG me.

    I realize that was a lot of drama over a $5.50 buy-in but damn number of entries wise this was the biggest tournament I had played in a long time and I wanted the damn win. The games on WPN just don't get that many entries. Not only would the $1,600 win have been freaking amazing after depositing $80 only 24 hours ago (thats $100 more than my whole WPN roll) but shipping a tournament that large would have been a huge mental win for me. To out last over 1,800 people to lose like that really freaking stings, it just demonstrates the variance that you have to overcome to succeed in big MTTs.
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    So after dropping a little bit back on the zone tables (I need to just stick to 1 open zone table at a time along with my regular speed tables) the roll is at $258.04. Not bad IMVHO. I have decided that if i get to $600 I will cash out $500 and start over with $100. Sticking to what is working, small stakes.

    I might bump this in the afternoon so its at the top of the page during prime hours, and then if it doesn't get any interest I will let it die out. I enjoy keeping a record of how I am doing but no point in doing it publicly if no oone is interested. To all lurkers reading this, if you want it to continue I need to hear from you!
    lilg97: sup
    Me: nm u?
    lilg97: nada bored
    lilg97: tryna find some folsk to menot r cant fin dnon eSad

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I thought you would get some ideas too, but brm and play choices are kinda figure it out and do what you like things. If you cant win on Bovada, you probably shouldn't play for real money.

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