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  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    much ado for nothing....yet again lol

    so finally was able to turn a $3 something PO freeroll cash into about $20 AGAIN...and then the "downswing" or "variance" kicked in as expected....went on the most absurd series of getting sucked out on in my life, this shit literally happens every fucking time i's like i'll fight scrape and bleed for the most meaningless pots and bullshit cashes, but then when all the chips are in the middle and i've got motherfuckers drawing to literally like 4 cards in the deck? they will hit that shit on the flop EVERY SINGLE TIME they need to....people jam with 3s and 4s and hit their sets against me religiously but i cant win with JJ against any ace in my's really giving me a headache...i rode it out all fucking day despite the bullshit suckouts every hand and just let it slide and tried to regain traction but nope, shit just was NOT meant to be i i have a headache and a bunch of screen shots...nobody's gonna look at them but hey fuck my life right?
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  2. #2
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    This is an impressive post Brotha. I'm not gonna ride ya even tho you busted me in the FR earlier. More thought went into this post then I really thought you had in ya.

    That being said, I feel ya. I had 4 bad runs on Bovada the last 4 days.

    Building from micros is hard as chit, but you have to stay with it. Fight and Bleed some more, and keep the faith. You will make it.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God ssuglia's Avatar
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    A $20 bankroll is not enough to handle the ups and downs of poker. It is very easy to lose it all, especially if you play above your roll.

    If you are going to play with $20, you need to find a game to play where a loss can be easily absorbed by your bankroll. This won't be easy to find with $20.

    A better option might be to keep freerolling until you hit at least $50, which gives you a little more flexibility as to game selection. Even then, be prepared to adjust your game selection based on where your bankroll is at.

    20:52 <onehotdame> sug ...your the most helpful of Mods
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

  4. #4
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssuglia View Post
    A $20 bankroll is not enough to handle the ups and downs of poker. It is very easy to lose it all, especially if you play above your roll.

    If you are going to play with $20, you need to find a game to play where a loss can be easily absorbed by your bankroll. This won't be easy to find with $20.

    A better option might be to keep freerolling until you hit at least $50, which gives you a little more flexibility as to game selection. Even then, be prepared to adjust your game selection based on where your bankroll is at.
    yea i mean i figured i'd be good with the $2 HU sngs, i could def afford to lose a few of those up and down and make it through...but i just went on the most insane rampage of downswing i couldnt handle it at all

  5. #5
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SendCookies View Post
    This is an impressive post Brotha. I'm not gonna ride ya even tho you busted me in the FR earlier. More thought went into this post then I really thought you had in ya.

    That being said, I feel ya. I had 4 bad runs on Bovada the last 4 days.

    Building from micros is hard as chit, but you have to stay with it. Fight and Bleed some more, and keep the faith. You will make it.
    not sure if you're trolling with the compliments but if not i appreciate's just maddening man, idk how to cope with it...literally spent the entire day going up to 20 back down to like 4ish then fighting my way back up to 20 then boom it's all gone before i know it...and all of the losses were at one point seemingly guaranteed wins for me that just got stripped from's sickening and im just gonna have to deal with it i guess...that's what happens when you have no bankroll i guess....i've got enough VIP points to play those 9pm .50 and .25 tournies, hoping i can do something with either of those...and just got a ticket for the 10pm PO freeroll...lets see if i can salvage something from this seemingly wasted day

  6. #6
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    not sure if you're trolling with the compliments but if not i appreciate's just maddening man, idk how to cope with it...literally spent the entire day going up to 20 back down to like 4ish then fighting my way back up to 20 then boom it's all gone before i know it...and all of the losses were at one point seemingly guaranteed wins for me that just got stripped from's sickening and im just gonna have to deal with it i guess...that's what happens when you have no bankroll i guess....i've got enough VIP points to play those 9pm .50 and .25 tournies, hoping i can do something with either of those...and just got a ticket for the 10pm PO freeroll...lets see if i can salvage something from this seemingly wasted day
    I was not trollin at all. SSug's is right bout the BRM, but, when you are sub 50 you have to take your shots. Nothing else to be done. GL

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    I think you get the short end of the stick on most of these, but the JJ hand was a toss up, not much of an upset there.

  8. #8
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infector101 View Post
    I think you get the short end of the stick on most of these, but the JJ hand was a toss up, not much of an upset there.
    yea i mean i understand that one was a flip, it was more just to show how often i lose to baby pairs when im flipping but i cant win with big pairs ever...not to mention i just lost another tourny with jacks (after making a soul read call) to 10s, he flopped his 10...then 2 minutes later in my other tourny i lose with QJ to Q4o when he turned the wheel....done with carbon for the day, i cant bear it anymore honestly

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    yea i mean i understand that one was a flip, it was more just to show how often i lose to baby pairs when im flipping but i cant win with big pairs ever...not to mention i just lost another tourny with jacks (after making a soul read call) to 10s, he flopped his 10...then 2 minutes later in my other tourny i lose with QJ to Q4o when he turned the wheel....done with carbon for the day, i cant bear it anymore honestly
    Trust me i know exactly how you feel. Its like if theres a way to lose i will find it in EVERY big hand. I do not count the bs little pots i win with best hand cause there just that BS pots b ut when everytime it goes all in and they are dominated im gtd to lose 9 out of 10 times. Ive only been playing 1 game about every 2 days and tonights loss was Aj vrs A10 and the flop was 10 10 10, why would i EVER worry about them quading the flop. played last night too and Ak lost to 35 for 4xbb raise(and half my stack or more) then turn around and get put out with 10 10 to 77 of course 7 hits LMFAO
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  10. #10
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
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    be happy ssuglia and cookies responded with encouragement. If this was a post from me I would be tarred and feathered and strung from my sack!

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

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