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Thread: Merge

  1. #21
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by NascarFanSS View Post
    I don't recall saying the word rigged at all in my post .. I asked what the chances are .. I have hit 4 or 5 royals myself but I still believe the odds of that have to be better than 3 pocket pairs with only 4 people ..
    The odds of hitting a Royal Flush in Holdem are: 0.000001539% of the time

    Since this part gets tricky I'm going to assume worst case scenario. You have been dealt 2's in a handed game:

    The odds of 2 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 17.63% of the time
    The odds of 3 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 3.109% of the time
    The odds of 4 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 0.548% of the time

    Those odds are assuming you have 2's and your opponents have higher pocket pairs. Because the math is complicated enough to figure out those calculations, I have not taken into consideration of your opponents having the same hand (i.e., 2 having Aces and another have say 8's or something)

    The odds of being dealt pocket 2's in a 4 handed game 5.9%, and in reality it doesn't matter if it's heads up or 10 handed. The odds of getting a pocket pair are always 1 in 16 or 5.9%. The odds calculated above again are the chances of those pocket 2's being beat by a larger pocket pair pre-flop.

    And since you're wondering it and to prove my point even further that this isn't that rare, let's assume you were dealt J's. The odds of you being beat preflop using the same calculations as above are:

    The odds of 2 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 4.408% of the time
    The odds of 3 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 0.194% of the time
    The odds of 4 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 0.00008565% of the time

    So even there, the odds of getting deal pocket Jacks in a 4 handed game and being up against 3 larger pocket pairs is still less then that of getting a royal flush. Hence, getting dealt a Royal Flush in poker is less common then the above scenarios.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrlova View Post
    The odds of hitting a Royal Flush in Holdem are: 0.000001539% of the time

    Since this part gets tricky I'm going to assume worst case scenario. You have been dealt 2's in a handed game:

    The odds of 2 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 17.63% of the time
    The odds of 3 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 3.109% of the time
    The odds of 4 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 0.548% of the time

    Those odds are assuming you have 2's and your opponents have higher pocket pairs. Because the math is complicated enough to figure out those calculations, I have not taken into consideration of your opponents having the same hand (i.e., 2 having Aces and another have say 8's or something)

    The odds of being dealt pocket 2's in a 4 handed game 5.9%, and in reality it doesn't matter if it's heads up or 10 handed. The odds of getting a pocket pair are always 1 in 16 or 5.9%. The odds calculated above again are the chances of those pocket 2's being beat by a larger pocket pair pre-flop.

    And since you're wondering it and to prove my point even further that this isn't that rare, let's assume you were dealt J's. The odds of you being beat preflop using the same calculations as above are:

    The odds of 2 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 4.408% of the time
    The odds of 3 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 0.194% of the time
    The odds of 4 pp in 4 handed play in Holdem are: 0.00008565% of the time

    So even there, the odds of getting deal pocket Jacks in a 4 handed game and being up against 3 larger pocket pairs is still less then that of getting a royal flush. Hence, getting dealt a Royal Flush in poker is less common then the above scenarios.
    I wrongfully said the odds of getting 2's are 5.9%, in reality that is any pocket pair. My bad! If it makes a difference to anyone the odds of being dealt pocket 2's is 0.45% or 1 in 220 hands

  3. #23
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    i knew it was somewhere up in the 200's lol have to break out the bible again it has most odds in it..
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

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