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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Cool Just had a MONSTER live $1/2 session at the casino...

    Just left Tunica, Ms.

    After going to Harrah's and Horseshoe casino to get a seat, I was put on a waiting list at both. Normally I sit at an empty table and wait my turn while reading CardPlayer or Bluff Magazine. Just which ever they have on the shelf. Thankfully, today, I was too impatient to wait. I said screw it and tried the last casino offering NLH games in the area, Gold Strike casino (an MGM Resort property).

    I sat down nervous. I was playing with (gambling with) Christmas money.

    Started off with $100 for a 4 hour session (Normally I stay a lot longer but I was on a time limit. Had to get home in time to make my lady think I'd been at work).

    By my set time to leave, I was looking down at a $800 chip stack. $600 came from 2, any 2 card donks. They paid me $300 a piece for a couple of my monster and even mediocre holdings.

    I asked for a rack to put my chips in and announced this would be my last hand for the day. I look down at the first card dealt. Ace of spades. Wait on my next card to come. Another ace. I preflop raise over my huge chip stack for $25. I got 4 callers. I was first to act on a rainbow flop after the blinds folded preflop. I made it $75 to go. Everyone folded and I added an extra $100 to my stack on the way out the door.

    It's going to be a VERY MERRY Christmas this year!!!!

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    nice work

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    very nice im jealous

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Master italian314's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Nice win and Merry Christmas. I have played a live cash game once. I was nervous as hell. I sat down at a $1/$2. I folded my first 3 our 4 hands until I was in the big blind. I looked down at 73 of hearts. Of course I was going to fold but 3 people limped in and I just checked. The flop comes all hearts. I bet half the pot everyone folds but the small blind to my right. Turn comes no heart. I bet all in. He calls and flips over a set. River comes no help for him and I double up to $400. I was really happy. So was my wife who was at home with my new born daughter. I just wish I lived close to a casino so I could go more often.

  5. #5
    Elite PokerOwned Member JohnnyDeepStacks's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Congrats!!! A win is always good.

    JDS boobytrap spelled backwards is partyboob
    PooffyFooffy omg I need to play there more, were u in da game?
    JDS @PooffyFooffy no Pooffy its just a fun fact

  6. #6
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Nice win and Merry Christmas. I have played a live cash game once. I was nervous as hell. I sat down at a $1/$2. I folded my first 3 our 4 hands until I was in the big blind. I looked down at 73 of hearts. Of course I was going to fold but 3 people limped in and I just checked. The flop comes all hearts. I bet half the pot everyone folds but the small blind to my right. Turn comes no heart. I bet all in. He calls and flips over a set. River comes no help for him and I double up to $400. I was really happy. So was my wife who was at home with my new born daughter. I just wish I lived close to a casino so I could go more often.

  7. #7
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

  8. #8
    Library Master Champion eqgh5uea's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Great story it's always nice to get those instructions!!! aa was a killer!
    "We have met the enemy and they are ours; two ships, two brigs, one schooner and one sloop." --- O.H. Perry

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