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Thread: JohnNBrazon

  1. #1
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    I am tired of his shit where he always is calling players donks and claiming that he is a "pro" even though he misplays a ton of hands and is obviously not. He tried to tell me in a game today that he has challenged me to a hu game in the past and that I have declined which is not the case at all. So its time to challenge John to prove that he is a lying asshole who is not good at poker. I challenge you John to a game of hu poker.

    By the way your stats dont look so good. SharkScope - Online and Live Poker Statistics

  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Feb 2012
    Lol this is him acting like he always does. After I put the thread up he will not say anything in it and shuts up at the tables to.

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    First...I never said I was a pro...that's just you lying as usual...My Sharkscope stats look bad...try a real stat site...credsfan03, multiacccounting wannabe...hell, all you have to do is look at PO standings to know when you say you've won more than me, it shows you way behind...And I accepted the challenge as usual, and yet you "have no money" anywhere but Bovada (an anonymous site at that)...don't brag if you CAN'T back it up...Hell I'll fly to the nearest casino near you and play you for salaries, oh wait, you probably still live in your mother's basement. LMFAO

  4. #4
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    You have stated that you were a pro before and that you were traveling to vegas to grind out wsop this summer. PO standings dont mean anything besides you can beat donks. I typically dont waste my time playing PO freerolls unless I am playing for llbs. That also explains why you have won more on po then me because you are always playing the games. Also I do only have money at Bovada which will not be a problem to play you hu because we could buy in at random amounts. Just to throw out an example if the table was 100 NLH I could buy in for $95.73 and you could buy in for $95.54 and we would know that it would be each other because nobody buys in for such odd amounts.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    May 2012
    john you are a very good player. I am sure you win lots playing live poker. Keep up your great play!

  6. #6
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    JohnBRAZON is an idiot player, who can ONLY ONLY ONLY compete in micros
    one time on the FT of a PO FR he calls me with "connectors" to a 4x raise, he was big blind.that's right not suited connectors, just "connectors" as he says
    he then proceeded to call all my C bets, he took down the pot, but there are so many things wrong with that play.
    mufcker said "I'm not folding connectors." L O FCKN L

    He has also lied about receiving money from full tilt, when no one from USA had been paid by FTP

    what a joke he is

    move on from FR's buddy to show u r really a decent player

  7. #7
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by colbyd View Post
    john you are a very good player. I am sure you win lots playing live poker. Keep up your great play!
    Have you seen him play? He is terrible. He limps with all kinds of hands then gets mad if loses and his plays dont make any mathematical sense. The first time he called me a donk tonight I was in late position with q10 and raised the bb of 800 to 2500. I am chip leader and the guy next to me who also has a lot of chips flats. A short stack shoves all in for 5500 and I flat call. Short stack calls and shows qq. He called me a donk for making the call but the odds justified calling because I am getting better then 4 to 1 to call and a lot of times q10 is not much of an underdog against the short stacks range. The second time he called me a donk we were six handed and he limped in late position when I was in the bb with 38. It folded to me and I checked and the flop came 3 3 10. He makes a bet and I flat. turn is an 8 and he shoves which I obviously call. He shows j10 and then complains about how bad I am again because I won with 38. This shows how much of an idiot he is because he limps and allows me to see free cards then complains when I hit.

  8. #8
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    oh gawd he is a limping idiot, 4 sure... as stated b4, that limping only flies in micro stakes
    Last edited by PokeYourFace; 11-10-2013 at 07:27 PM.

  9. #9
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
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    Anyone in a tournament who open limps ever without a very specific reason why they are limping for the exact situation sucks at poker (aka limping AA because the player behind has been raising over EVERY limp).

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Master
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    i can agree that he is a big meanie. look wat he sent me in PM a month ago:

    "You think you're better than me with your $13 max win ever....lmfao...I can outplay you and make more $$ at poker in a month than you do at a job in a year...get out of your mom's basement and grow up wannabe."

    who says that?????????

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