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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    jimmyd1953 wins carbon poker 200$ freeroll 01/05/11

    helo for the first time here, bit of a brag that i won the carbon freeroll with 4300 entrants. first off i always try to place in the money first, so when i reached 96 k in chips with 252 entrants left i started to slow pay the clock. i always slow play the clock more than ANYONE else ive ever seen. once i insured 24th place, i was in 22nd place at the time, i started to steal blinds, every time from middle position to button if all have folded and i had any ace , 9 plus 10or up or any pair ishoved allin. never got called except the 3 times i got qs, twice aces, once kings and once on ak. i won them all except 1 of the qs to an allin bb that had less than the bb for all in. i folded pocket 8s once against an allin that so happened to have aces , an aq called him, and i would have won if i would have made the BAD call, nevertheless my cards were incredible didnt get bad beats or did i suck out , i was always allin with the best hand before the river. it got down to two , i had about 2.2 mil in chips , my opponet had 1.1 mil , bbs ay 50 100 k which is the final limit and we only played afew hands and he got ace 4 shoved allin, i had pocket 8s with still a mil in chips if i lose, what would u do? i called and the 8s held up he did not hit a pair. i think he made a bad play i would have clled or raised 1 bb with a 4. thats my 2nd win at carbo poker the other was omaha high. i only started playing poker again almost 2 years ago. played a lot when i was 17 to 25 yrs old. my dad has made over a million dollars in prfits in poker but has a sporte betting addiction that has him broke at 80 yrs old. i was really good at 6 stud heads up in the 70s. i also have 3 2nds in badugi at carbon. i slowly have built up my monthly average to 250 a month profit now playing 40 freerolls aday and 1 or 2 (1 -2 dollar) ts ady, biggest wins r 260, 220 and 140. i have 16 poker sites on my desktop and play 7 sites aday . i have seen more bad beats than u can imagine. the worst one is in a 109 entry t that i won a freeroll sattelite to get in. i have pocket 6s position before me raise 3 or 4 bbs. ihave already tripled my stack. he raises , icall knowing he has a big pair and will only play the hand if i hit a set. the flop comes 6 , 2 9 rainbow. he raises having pocket aces , i push allin with a set , he snap calls. u guessed it an ace comes on the turn. im in top 5 if iwin that hand. big prize money all gone ,nada. thats the worst cause the prizes were big. see u again at the tables.

  2. #2
    Master Sergeant
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Congrats on the win jimmy! Sounds like you have the structure down pat on those Merge skin freerolls. Also sounds like your butt must be pretty sore from playing 40 freerolls a day! LOL! I thought I played a lot at times... but your sittin time has me beat hands down lol! Keep up the solid play... it's usually rewarded. To your continued..Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    to dats from jimmyd. i have a lot of health issues, so i actually lie in bed with a laptop. i just got bad beat again in big hand, im in money at the 250 ft us freeroll have 47k in 2nd pos. pocket jacks call the bb 10k all fold exept the sb. he raises to 30k, i put him on small medium pair. i was right i reraise allin 16 k more , he has 9s u guessed it he spikes a 9 on river , that cat me a min of a buck and i mighy even win the 25. i get so mant bad beats a day and i scream alot. i really need to make money thats the only reason i play. i was really good at golf but i cant play anymore. 1997 was the last time. tks on reply good luck.

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Veteran offrdmom's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Congrats on the win..WTG!!
    sorry about the health issues do be carefull poker can be very stressfull..

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