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  1. #51
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    lol appreciate all the replies...i def do have karma but i dont believe that affects the's actually been one of the best days i've had in a while...took 4th in a PO freeroll earlier for like $ far was able to turn it into about 35 on the cash tables and those super turbo sng's..took a few beats but didnt let them get me tilted so i didnt start spewing...didnt even feel the need to make a thread about them it was watever...down a bit right now on the cash tables but its my own doing..i thought this guy could lay down his overpair but he didnt, idk why i was playing back at him i knew what he had..its cool tho i got my bong and im just playing as well as i can...(look ma, no curses =))

  2. #52
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Hope your good day continues. When you feel like you might tilt if you lose a big amount, you should just stop playing and do something else to get your mind off poker. Turning $3 into $35 is really impressive, just use bankroll management now and you'll have more fun playing plus be able to play your A game the whole time. If you have some bigger goal, i guess its a little different. GL

  3. #53
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Thats really good. I know it wont happen over night but maybe this is the starting steps for you to learn composure and that can make a HUGE difference in your building process. Best of Luck and see ya on the felt!!
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  4. #54
    Elite PokerOwned Member RWPFhero's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Best of Luck, Keep it Going! IF you feel like your going to go on Tilt, just step away from the game.

  5. #55
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    that sux man I do it all the time too I need to learn when to just give it up for the day.....thinking that setting an hour/money limit is probably going to be best...

  6. #56
    PokerOwned God Paisleysky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Glad to hear your luck is changing. Keep it going and don't let the donks get to you!

  7. #57
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Hi Man, sorry to tell you this but ushould know when to give up. sometimes huge hands also lose.

  8. #58
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    im playing some of the best poker i've ever played...for the first time im consistently listening to my read and im usually right...idk y i go against it sometimes, but whenever i don't listen to my gut i regret since it was up to $35 im down to around 22ish right now but no complaints, lost a few flips that were bigger than they should have been on the cash tables so i took a couple of hits but i never once complained...a guy sucked out on me for a pretty big pot yesterday (i flopped boat he calls with ace high catches runner runner boat lol) and i didnt even say anything just nh, then like 4 hands later i spiked a one outer on the river for a massive pot so it balanced out...grinding today so hopefully i can get bak up to the 30s at least...not taking any crazy risks tho or going on tilt...thanks for the replies guys

  9. #59
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    we all take bad beats its part of the game i sure we give some bad ones too. There is no instant cure for tilting just takes time oand over time it get easier. good luck fools

  10. #60
    Elite PokerOwned Member MrPokerVerse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    im playing some of the best poker i've ever played...for the first time im consistently listening to my read and im usually right...idk y i go against it sometimes, but whenever i don't listen to my gut i regret since it was up to $35 im down to around 22ish right now but no complaints, lost a few flips that were bigger than they should have been on the cash tables so i took a couple of hits but i never once complained...a guy sucked out on me for a pretty big pot yesterday (i flopped boat he calls with ace high catches runner runner boat lol) and i didnt even say anything just nh, then like 4 hands later i spiked a one outer on the river for a massive pot so it balanced out...grinding today so hopefully i can get bak up to the 30s at least...not taking any crazy risks tho or going on tilt...thanks for the replies guys
    Saying nice hand is the equivalent of sprankling fish food in the tank. What makes poker profitable, education should never come at your expense at the table. Nice hand as your eye the chips cause you know they will be right back with you with the rest of them stacked with it.
    "When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience leaves with money and the man with money leaves with experience." anonymous quote

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