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  1. #41
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    i think judging someone's educational merit based on a ranting forum thread does nothing more than discredit your opinion suggest that the cards online fall the way they fall simply because i have an anger issue or because i curse a lot when i type is pretty stupid...i may lack discipline and i certainly lack class, but you're fooling yourself if you think any of the things i type on this miserable forum even remotely discredit my thanks for stopping by tho, clearly you didnt have anything of value to say but hey i guess we all gotta have something to do right?

  2. #42
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    I am not saying that the cards online have anything to do with how you act and thanks for that response it further backs up my point. Which is if you are not disciplined enough or mature enough to type a post without every other word being f this and f that then your not gonna be disciplined enough to leave a table when tides turn or mature enough to handle things when tide turns. Not meaning it as an insult just trying to help out. Maybe your over sensitiveness to my post should be a sign.

  3. #43
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    hm wen u put it like that i have to agree...i do have discipline problems and wen i tilt i spew, thats just what happens...i need to gain control over that and im working on it...i love cursing tho, its a lot of fun

  4. #44
    Elite PokerOwned Member MrPokerVerse's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    i think judging someone's educational merit based on a ranting forum thread does nothing more than discredit your opinion suggest that the cards online fall the way they fall simply because i have an anger issue or because i curse a lot when i type is pretty stupid...i may lack discipline and i certainly lack class, but you're fooling yourself if you think any of the things i type on this miserable forum even remotely discredit my thanks for stopping by tho, clearly you didnt have anything of value to say but hey i guess we all gotta have something to do right?
    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    hm wen u put it like that i have to agree...i do have discipline problems and wen i tilt i spew, thats just what happens...i need to gain control over that and im working on it...i love cursing tho, its a lot of fun
    Reflection and direction, think that was a song from the 60's but could apply here. Not bad "on this miserable forum" to get these comments. Think we all look for outlets to direct, sometimes the reflection is not always what it seems to others.
    "When a man with money meets a man with experience, the man with experience leaves with money and the man with money leaves with experience." anonymous quote

  5. #45
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Jan 2012
    sorry for your of luck in future games you play.

  6. #46
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by fkucdaw0rld View Post
    hm wen u put it like that i have to agree...i do have discipline problems and wen i tilt i spew, thats just what happens...i need to gain control over that and im working on it...i love cursing tho, its a lot of fun
    I understand and I am glad you see I wasnt trying to put you down or say that your a bad player. I have the same issues you do just not as severe. I think everyone goes through that same issue of not walking away when they should.

  7. #47
    PokerOwned Demi-God AryAlton's Avatar
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    walking away is hard to do. i have a problem with sitting on a cash table too long.
    A bad attitude is just like a car with a flat tire, "You aren't going anywhere unless you change it."

  8. #48
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jan 2012
    best way to play on cash table do a small buyin jam when u gotta high matcching pair and leave. last i did this was day b4 night when i had ace pair i went allin preflop two ppl called one with qa and the other with qq lucking no queen on table mine buyin was 80 cent i walk away with arnd $ 2 but i do this v.rarely play cash tabels like once in a week or mayb less thn tht i prefer tourneys n sngs works bettr 4 me.

  9. #49
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
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    May 2011
    maybe poker's just not your game?
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  10. #50
    PokerOwned Master NO9NOJNOKNOH's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    Its called "Karma" learn how to use it to your advantage,if you really mean(fkucdaw0rld) well then the worlds gonna fkuc you,that's just how it works,no way around it,Got Karma?

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