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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mrlova View Post
    What is there to go on tilt was a preflop all in? You lost, I understand that, but it wasn't AA vs A6 for example where you are a huge favorite. He had an over card to your pair. Standard "rough" beat if you ask me.
    meh, 65/35, 70/30, those r big enough odds to get a lil upset about,haha.

  2. #22
    PokerOwned Master Mrlova's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeSchmo View Post
    meh, 65/35, 70/30, those r big enough odds to get a lil upset about,haha.
    In one hand, not really. If you're playing a long session and you have a higher then normal number then maybe but again, one hand, not a huge deal.

  3. #23
    PokerOwned God greengiant's Avatar
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    Bad beats come and go but pokers always stays.

  4. #24
    PokerOwned God
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    Dude with A9 must of had a read on you - I would never shove A9s period. But if he thought you were bullying or "A5s" gambling hed have u crushed. As it is your KK was only 67%....IF I told you I was going to give you aids - but you had a 67% of beating it - for lets say $10k - - would you take it? No - 67% is shet. Would you have felt better if he had AA? He'd play it the same way.

    He basically had a "nut flush draw on the flop" type odds vs your 1 pair. And who doesn't bluff at an opponent we put oin 1 pair with a nut flush draw?? We all do it. So no, your pay was crap - his play was crap - and you got crapped on. MAybe in the next donky shell game youll pick the cup with the boat under it. Until then - dont pretend 1 pair isnt the the worst made hand in the game. I think 2 pair beats it. maybe even 3 pair. LOLOOLOLLL

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Quote Originally Posted by LaserCats View Post
    Dude with A9 must of had a read on you - I would never shove A9s period. But if he thought you were bullying or "A5s" gambling hed have u crushed. As it is your KK was only 67%....IF I told you I was going to give you aids - but you had a 67% of beating it - for lets say $10k - - would you take it? No - 67% is shet. Would you have felt better if he had AA? He'd play it the same way.

    He basically had a "nut flush draw on the flop" type odds vs your 1 pair. And who doesn't bluff at an opponent we put oin 1 pair with a nut flush draw?? We all do it. So no, your pay was crap - his play was crap - and you got crapped on. MAybe in the next donky shell game youll pick the cup with the boat under it. Until then - dont pretend 1 pair isnt the the worst made hand in the game. I think 2 pair beats it. maybe even 3 pair. LOLOOLOLLL
    How could he have a read? He 3-bet, and the KK cold 4-bet all in and then he called with the A9. Unless you were just kidding, he can't have a read when the KK never acted yet.

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Pro Donka's Avatar
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    Dec 2012
    b4 u make a post again know ur info b4 hand silly ass

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