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  1. #1
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2013

    Horribad Pokerowned Players

    They're just too funny. This'll be my running thread of ridiculously bad plays by Pokerowned freeroll regs.

    First up: Fancygirl1212 - I have no idea what her PO name is.
    I think her fold button might be broken, but that's OK, as I've used it to my advantage on more than one occasion. Alas, once in a while she will catch her miracle, which hopefully convinces her that she's playing solid.

    So here we go, I've played incredibly loose and somewhat aggressively pre-flop, whereas she is running her standard very loose, very passive game. We both start the hand with about 13-14 BB's. I know she's calling with any Ace, most Kings, every broadway hand, every pair, and likely several suited rag hands as well. The idea is to get her to think I'm bluffing, which works perfectly. I put all but 1/2 of a BB in, she can't help but call herself all-but-in with KTo vs my AKs. As planned, I get the bulk of the chips in as a 75% favorite:

    railbirdking Posts SB 75.00
    Fancygirl1212 Posts BB 150.00
    ChipTool1 Folds
    seaeyes Folds
    RowJimmy Raised to 2000.00
    MichMan79 Folds
    TGHUSSLE Folds
    railbirdking Folds
    Fancygirl1212 Calls 1850.00

    Flop comes 9Q4 with two hearts, we are both committed so the flop all-in is inevitable. She once again takes the passive route, check-calling herself in (obviously can't fold, tho) with K-hi, gutshot straight draw, and backdoor flush draw, meaning she has improved on the flop. She calls it in with air and is a 70% dog.

    Fancygirl1212 Checks
    RowJimmy All In 61.00
    Fancygirl1212 Calls 61.00
    Fancygirl1212 Shows Kh,Ts
    RowJimmy Shows As,Ks

    Turn brings the Jh, and as usual, Carbon gives her the miracle she needs. We can all be thankful, as she will no doubt think she played it great because she won. River was an inconsequential 7s.

    RowJimmy Out
    Fancygirl1212 Won 4197.00 from Pot 1 with King High Straight

    Thanks, Fancygirl1212, for being the inaugural fish in my thread.

    Pro golfer Greg Norman once stated that the main difference between an amateur and a pro golfer is that the pro recognizes that he is not always going to hit his best shot, so he takes the high-percentage plays. An amateur, conversely, will always remember that ONE time they hit the green from 300 yds out with their 3-wood, and so EVERY time they get 300 out, they pull out that trusty 3-wood. One good shot will keep a duffer paying greens fees all summer. I've heard a similar analogy for surfing, in that getting up and riding ONE wave will keep even the worst surfer trying all summer long, hoping to duplicate that ONE time.

    Kudos to Fancygirl1212, may the bright light of luck shine on you often.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master AZPLAYS11's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    I guess there are just some people that don't take the game to seriously. Maybe they just feel better playing that way. There will always be people that play this way. I guess you just have to learn to except it.

  3. #3
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by AZPLAYS11 View Post
    I guess there are just some people that don't take the game to seriously. Maybe they just feel better playing that way. There will always be people that play this way. I guess you just have to learn to except it.
    or maybe just maybe it was because she is another female player that shouldnt be here
    only women players that know what they are doing are
    and turk (shame about her attitude)

    the rest are straight up dogshit
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  4. #4
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by AZPLAYS11 View Post
    I guess there are just some people that don't take the game too seriously. Maybe they just feel better playing that way. There will always be people that play this way. I guess you just have to learn to except accept it.
    I guess there are just some people that don't take written communication too seriously. Maybe they just feel better spelling that way. There will always be people that type this way. I guess I just have to accept it.

    Oh..and also, had you read the post, you might have noticed that I LOVE playing against players like this. They've paid me rather well over the years. I have accepted their chips over and over and over.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
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    i totally agree, fancy girl does not have a fold button! too funny! blackhak and i were just laughing about this in bubble chat!! she was at our table! and she donked away over 10k in chips! and thanks for the cudos azreal!!

  6. #6
    PokerOwned Demi-God HopsBar28's Avatar
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    I used to keep notes on fancygirl, but it just wasn't worth it - it's the same shit every single time she plays.

  7. #7
    PokerOwned Pro
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    To be completely honest, I play during the day mostly to let off steam...I'm expecting bad plays and players, and I make several bad plays myself from time to time. Picking on her is probably a bit on the mean side, but cutting others down makes me feel elevated.

    That said, yes, she's bad. I was just chatting with another player about this. I generally assume that in most cases each player is playing their best, trying their hardest to win. (I got that from Barry Greenstein). When I played for a living, I never discussed bad beats. I just said, "I got knocked out," and moved on. Used to drive my friends crazy (and of course my backers wanted a bit more info, lol).

    SO...fancygirl has some improving to do, but only if she's unhappy with her play. I honestly hope she doesn't improve, but if she wants to there is plenty of room. Until then, I will assume that she is trying her hardest, using what she believes is the best strategy to win. I wish her luck, and I hope she sits at my table often. And I will continue to mock and ridicule bad play in this thread, so I am not compelled to discuss beats elsewhere.

  8. #8
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Feb 2011
    I liked this site so much better 3 years ago when there wasn't so many people. Way more donks on here ruins the freerolls

  9. #9
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Dec 2010
    it don't matter what free roll it is weather its a forum roll or an open roll, you will find donks. that's just a fact of life.

  10. #10
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Jan 2013
    Hey, how bout these sharks.
    First, there's a short-stack who limp-reshoves 30bbs with 22: BLUFFEDinWACO87
    Next, there's the big-stack who limp-calls 45bbs with 44: sickreadtwenty3
    And of course, the mid-stack who open-shoves 45bbs with Q5...but it was sooooooted: VinnieDestino

    So we have three horribad players getting all or most of their chips in the middle pre-flop. Can you guess who wins?

    Fancygirl1212 Posts SB 15.00
    holdemMattknightes Posts BB 30.00
    MichMan79 Folds
    BLUFFEDinWACO87 Calls 30.00
    RowJimmy Calls 30.00
    totalmaniiac2 Folds
    tomtom26 Folds
    dca10101 Folds
    sickreadtwenty3 Calls 30.00
    VinnieDestino All In 1370.00
    Fancygirl1212 Folds
    holdemMattknightes Folds
    BLUFFEDinWACO87 All In 848.00
    RowJimmy Folds
    sickreadtwenty3 Calls 1340.00
    BLUFFEDinWACO87 Shows 2d,2s
    sickreadtwenty3 Shows 4c,4h
    VinnieDestino Shows Qc,5c

    Flop is 6KT...Turn is 5...River is T.

    VinnieDestino Won 2709.00 from Pot 1 with Two Pair Tens and Fives
    VinnieDestino Won 984.00 from Pot 2 with Two Pair Tens and Fives

    Our donkey VinnieDestino would go on to 3bet all-in the very next hand with his 75bbs and KQo. But he wasn't done! He followed that up the very next hand by open-shoving all 75bbs again with A6o, spiking a 6 to beat the AJo who had "trapped" him, lol.

    Thanks, VinnieDestino!!! You're why some of us cash checks! We wish you continued good luck.

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