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  1. #11
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Aug 2013
    Time to add another one....

    So I'm shortstacked on the button with less than 20 BBs. Len72959 limps in early position. I raise the pot 3x BB and Len calls.
    Flop comes A J 10. I push all in, which equates to less than a pot sized raised, and Len snap calls with a gutshot in Q 8.
    Turn comes a harmless 6. Then, like always, our brilliant player is rewarded a 9.

    Bravo to the amazing Len for forseeing that his dominated hand (26% chance post flop) would luck out on the river. Please keep the fantastic play up!

  2. #12
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TheHaversham View Post
    Hey, how bout these sharks.
    First, there's a short-stack who limp-reshoves 30bbs with 22: BLUFFEDinWACO87
    Next, there's the big-stack who limp-calls 45bbs with 44: sickreadtwenty3
    And of course, the mid-stack who open-shoves 45bbs with Q5...but it was sooooooted: VinnieDestino

    So we have three horribad players getting all or most of their chips in the middle pre-flop. Can you guess who wins?

    Fancygirl1212 Posts SB 15.00
    holdemMattknightes Posts BB 30.00
    MichMan79 Folds
    BLUFFEDinWACO87 Calls 30.00
    RowJimmy Calls 30.00
    totalmaniiac2 Folds
    tomtom26 Folds
    dca10101 Folds
    sickreadtwenty3 Calls 30.00
    VinnieDestino All In 1370.00
    Fancygirl1212 Folds
    holdemMattknightes Folds
    BLUFFEDinWACO87 All In 848.00
    RowJimmy Folds
    sickreadtwenty3 Calls 1340.00
    BLUFFEDinWACO87 Shows 2d,2s
    sickreadtwenty3 Shows 4c,4h
    VinnieDestino Shows Qc,5c

    Flop is 6KT...Turn is 5...River is T.

    VinnieDestino Won 2709.00 from Pot 1 with Two Pair Tens and Fives
    VinnieDestino Won 984.00 from Pot 2 with Two Pair Tens and Fives

    Our donkey VinnieDestino would go on to 3bet all-in the very next hand with his 75bbs and KQo. But he wasn't done! He followed that up the very next hand by open-shoving all 75bbs again with A6o, spiking a 6 to beat the AJo who had "trapped" him, lol.

    Thanks, VinnieDestino!!! You're why some of us cash checks! We wish you continued good luck.
    I don't know who you are, but I am GREATLY enjoying this series - enough sarcasm without over-the-edge lunacy. Please keep up the good work, you should have daily material.

    Best Poets of All time<br/>

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Veteran mike7734's Avatar
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    Im really not mad at donkeys either because my EV says over a long period of time I will make more money than them , So its very simpla and very true while they may win a few hands or even stack thousands of chips there poor stack will eventually plumit to its fatal end and me or some other player who knows how to play will end up with all his chips and go to place ITM while he will be doing more surveys and shit trying to get in a tournament to donk someone else its a vicious cycle but someone has to do it.

  4. #14
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    when in freerolls you have to get use to getting bad beats all of the time. I just got eliminated with only 5 players to the money with kings beacause the guy pushed pre flop with tens and hit a ten on the river it happens nuthin you can do about it donk will be donks

  5. #15
    PokerOwned Pro
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    Quote Originally Posted by TGxHUSSLE View Post
    when in freerolls you have to get use to getting bad beats all of the time. I just got eliminated with only 5 players to the money with kings beacause the guy pushed pre flop with tens and hit a ten on the river it happens nuthin you can do about it donk will be donks
    Don't be confused, it's not a bad beat's an appreciation thread. An homage to donkeys, if you will.

    And for the record, I'm fairly certain that nobody cares about your bad beat(s) nor mine. It doesn't matter how close to the money you are, or how much the buy-in was, or how many tourneys you cashed in yesterday. Irrelevance is irrelevant.

    I bet you'd like to think of yourself as a pro, amirite? I have news, bad beats happen just as much - and they sting a little more IMO - in higher buy-in tourneys as well. This disease is not specific to freerolls.

    When/if you ever DO become a pro, you will learn that there, in fact, IS something you can do about it. But that's like teaching the monkey how to open his own cage. You get to sort that one out on your own.

  6. #16
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheHaversham View Post
    I guess there are just some people that don't take written communication too seriously. Maybe they just feel better spelling that way. There will always be people that type this way. I guess I just have to accept it.

    Oh..and also, had you read the post, you might have noticed that I LOVE playing against players like this. They've paid me rather well over the years. I have accepted their chips over and over and over.
    LMAO Haversham. I was about to post this correction until I scrolled down in the thread. But on point with your thread, I love Fancy. I have found the optimal way of playing against her and the other ATM's on this site and it pays dividends. In less than 3 weeks of playing (since I took a week off of freeroll poker) they have caused me to stack up and win 4 of these and cash 15. So let them come and let them suck out because sucking out is what keeps them in the game. I love the horrible players because at least they are consistent. The players I hate are the ones that are consistent winners then have those minor leaks in their game that pay them the occasional dividend. Nothing worse than getting sucked out on by A-J after you 3 or 4 bet preflop, or other overplays that I constantly see with these PO players. So, for players like Fancy, may you continue to be my ATM, and for you middle ground players, please watch a strategy video or two then come back once you've learned how to play properly (since you are also normally the ones bitching when your low equity plays lose).

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by TGxHUSSLE View Post
    when in freerolls you have to get use to getting bad beats all of the time. I just got eliminated with only 5 players to the money with kings beacause the guy pushed pre flop with tens and hit a ten on the river it happens nuthin you can do about it donk will be donks
    assuming he had a pushing stack, this is standard

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Pro
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    gotta expect things to happen when it is considered a freeroll.

  9. #19
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Jun 2012
    boy azz.. you hatin' on women today too... I hope you're rich enough to pay the people in your real life to put up with your ugliness

  10. #20
    GodzAmongKingz GodzAmongKingz's Avatar
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    May 2013
    wow to much !

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