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  1. #1
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Greatest Comeback Experiance

    So yesterday I was playin the 6oclock pokerowned carbon poker tourney. I had about 7k in chips when I had to run to my brothers to help him out with something. It tookabout an hr or so. I got back home got on my pc and was still in this tourney. It was the final table and I only had 79chips left. 79 CHIPS. Went all in with pocket 6s, hit quads on the flop. Won that hand. Went all in with AK ithink, I won that hand, then went all in again with Q9 clubs, I won that hand. Had bout 5k in chips now. Kept playin and ended up taking 3rd place. I thought it was awesome and I felt like I actually did something cool n poker and just wanted to share it with yall.

    Post your greatest comeback stories for everyone to read right here.

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Master
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Wow congrats man, feels good doesn't it?

    Yesterday there were about 13-15 ppl left in this $33 BI mtt. I was on the button with 9s and the cutoff shoved A4o and i reshoved. He spiked an ace and I went from 20-23 bbs to 4bbs which was 15K. Avg stack was 100k and I won two double ups and a hand vs utg limper when I was the BB to go up to 90K.

    Ended up coolering a guy AA>A10o postflop and got to the final table with ~300K and 2nd in chips. I ended up finishing in third.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    greatest comeback would have to be, going down to basically a chip and a chair. all the way to winning it . I Have done this before on full tilt.

  4. #4
    Elite PokerOwned Member jcolee2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    comeback from the 1st grade and learn to spell experience

  5. #5
    Elite PokerOwned Member dipstick2's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    congrats guys that cool,is a good feelin being knocked to yo knee,s an comin bak strong.
    win if yu can but always play fair

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