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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    the first hand you sucked out then he re-sucked out, the QQvsJJ sucks, but pretty standard IMO
    try getting beats like this then te me how u feel :

    Game started at: 2014/1/1 17:48:3
    Game ID: 237896707 0.02/0.05 Cecilite (Hold'em)
    Seat 6 is the button
    Seat 1: TooDrunkToMuck (5.03).
    Seat 2: 72goodinbac (5.60).
    Seat 3: NuGHuFFeR (5.38).
    Seat 5: DMacKS (2.76).
    Seat 6: ayluvbigbutts (3.81).
    Player TooDrunkToMuck has small blind (0.02)
    Player 72goodinbac has big blind (0.05)
    Player TooDrunkToMuck received a card.
    Player TooDrunkToMuck received a card.
    Player 72goodinbac received a card.
    Player 72goodinbac received a card.
    Player NuGHuFFeR received card: 7♥
    Player NuGHuFFeR received card: 7♦
    Player DMacKS received a card.
    Player DMacKS received a card.
    Player ayluvbigbutts received a card.
    Player ayluvbigbutts received a card.
    Player NuGHuFFeR raises (0.15)
    Player DMacKS folds
    Player ayluvbigbutts calls (0.15)
    Player TooDrunkToMuck folds
    Player 72goodinbac folds
    *** FLOP ***: [Jh 7c Jd]
    Player NuGHuFFeR bets (0.24)
    Player ayluvbigbutts calls (0.24)
    *** TURN ***: [Jh 7c Jd] 10♦
    Player NuGHuFFeR bets (0.60)
    Player ayluvbigbutts raises (1.20)
    Player NuGHuFFeR raises (2.40)
    Player ayluvbigbutts calls (1.80)
    *** RIVER ***: [Jh 7c Jd 10d] 9♣
    Player NuGHuFFeR allin (1.99)
    Player ayluvbigbutts allin (0.42)
    Uncalled bet (1.57) returned to NuGHuFFeR
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 7.31. Rake 0.38
    Board: [Jh 7c Jd 10d 9c]
    Player TooDrunkToMuck does not show cards.Bets: 0.02. Collects: 0. Loses: 0.02.
    Player 72goodinbac does not show cards.Bets: 0.05. Collects: 0. Loses: 0.05.
    Player NuGHuFFeR shows: Full House (7/J) [7h 7d]. Bets: 3.81. Collects: 0. Loses: 3.81.
    Player DMacKS does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player ayluvbigbutts shows: Four of kind of Js [Js Jc]. Bets: 3.81. Collects: 7.31. Wins: 3.50.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/1 17:50:11

    Game started at: 2014/1/1 18:47:19
    Game ID: 237920570 0.01/0.02 Elenite - 2 (Hold'em)
    Seat 5 is the button
    Seat 1: NuGHuFFeR (1.45).
    Seat 2: DavidAB (2).
    Seat 3: IM SO STONED (1.81).
    Seat 4: lovepeace (4.87).
    Seat 5: LoboLeo (0.76).
    Seat 6: debs damian (1.92).
    Player debs damian has small blind (0.01)
    Player NuGHuFFeR has big blind (0.02)
    Player debs damian received a card.
    Player debs damian received a card.
    Player NuGHuFFeR received card: 7♣
    Player NuGHuFFeR received card: 7♠
    Player DavidAB received a card.
    Player DavidAB received a card.
    Player IM SO STONED received a card.
    Player IM SO STONED received a card.
    Player lovepeace received a card.
    Player lovepeace received a card.
    Player LoboLeo received a card.
    Player LoboLeo received a card.
    Player DavidAB folds
    Player IM SO STONED folds
    Player lovepeace raises (0.08)
    Player LoboLeo folds
    Player debs damian folds
    Player NuGHuFFeR calls (0.06)
    *** FLOP ***: [Qh 7d 4c]
    Player NuGHuFFeR checks
    Player lovepeace bets (0.11)
    Player NuGHuFFeR raises (0.33)
    Player lovepeace calls (0.22)
    *** TURN ***: [Qh 7d 4c] K♦
    Player NuGHuFFeR bets (0.52)
    Player lovepeace allin (4.46)
    Player NuGHuFFeR allin (0.52)
    Uncalled bet (3.42) returned to lovepeace
    *** RIVER ***: [Qh 7d 4c Kd] 5♦
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 2.77. Rake 0.14
    Board: [Qh 7d 4c Kd 5d]
    Player NuGHuFFeR shows: Three Of Kind of 7s [7c 7s]. Bets: 1.45. Collects: 0. Loses: 1.45.
    Player DavidAB does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player IM SO STONED does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    *Player lovepeace shows: Flush, K high [3d 4d]. Bets: 1.45. Collects: 2.77. Wins: 1.32.
    Player LoboLeo does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Player debs damian does not show cards.Bets: 0.01. Collects: 0. Loses: 0.01.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/1 18:48:20

    those were both today and within 30min of each other... now these are disgusting

  2. #22
    Danghis Khan dk12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Mine were far worse.... Lol.. I think youre still a little hurt from those hands not thinking correctly lol haha
    "Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you will get the results" -Oscar Wilde



  3. #23
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    urs far worse? did u even look at them lol...

    AAvsKK is standard.. you got ur money in bad and lost with the worst hand (hehe jk u got it in good, at least n flop)

    JJvsQQ is also pretty standard, except that 5 bet shoving with QQ is a play that some would critique, and some even consider a fold.. maybe post that hand on a forum that has HH analysis to get some tips on how you should have played that

    both hands I played correctly..
    Last edited by NuGHuFFeR; 01-01-2014 at 08:16 PM.

  4. #24
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    i dont understand how these dumb fks call like they do!! heres a great example of disgusting poker!!


    how do u call an all in bet on a gut shot str8 draw!! ???? idiots!! LOL

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Pro
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Game started at: 2014/1/2 20:0:29
    Game ID: 238319974 0.10/0.25 Tiemannite (Omaha)
    Seat 2 is the button
    Seat 2: Fruitflypie (30.24).
    Seat 3: Alig8trblood (19.62).
    Seat 4: stepntime1 (30.81).
    Seat 5: NuGHuFFeR (21.05).
    Seat 6: obamamouth (21.60).
    Player Alig8trblood has small blind (0.10)
    Player stepntime1 has big blind (0.25)
    Player Alig8trblood received a card.
    Player Alig8trblood received a card.
    Player Alig8trblood received a card.
    Player Alig8trblood received a card.
    Player stepntime1 received a card.
    Player stepntime1 received a card.
    Player stepntime1 received a card.
    Player stepntime1 received a card.
    Player NuGHuFFeR received card: [Qs]
    Player NuGHuFFeR received card: [Ad]
    Player NuGHuFFeR received card: [Ah]
    Player NuGHuFFeR received card: [Qd]
    Player obamamouth received a card.
    Player obamamouth received a card.
    Player obamamouth received a card.
    Player obamamouth received a card.
    Player Fruitflypie received a card.
    Player Fruitflypie received a card.
    Player Fruitflypie received a card.
    Player Fruitflypie received a card.
    Player NuGHuFFeR raises (0.85)
    Player obamamouth folds
    Player Fruitflypie calls (0.85)
    Player Alig8trblood folds
    Player stepntime1 calls (0.60)
    *** FLOP ***: [2c 8h 8d]
    Player stepntime1 checks
    Player NuGHuFFeR bets (1.26)
    Player Fruitflypie calls (1.26)
    Player stepntime1 calls (1.26)
    *** TURN ***: [2c 8h 8d] [Ac]
    Player stepntime1 checks
    Player NuGHuFFeR bets (3.05)
    Player Fruitflypie calls (3.05)
    Player stepntime1 folds
    *** RIVER ***: [2c 8h 8d Ac] [2s]
    Player NuGHuFFeR bets (11.91)
    Player Fruitflypie raises (23.82)
    Player NuGHuFFeR allin (3.98)
    Uncalled bet (7.93) returned to Fruitflypie
    ------ Summary ------
    Pot: 42.31. Rake 2
    Board: [2c 8h 8d Ac 2s]
    *Player Fruitflypie shows: Four of kind of 2s [2d 2h Kh 3c]. Bets: 21.05. Collects: 42.31. Wins: 21.26.
    Player Alig8trblood does not show cards.Bets: 0.10. Collects: 0. Loses: 0.10.
    Player stepntime1 does not show cards.Bets: 2.11. Collects: 0. Loses: 2.11.
    Player NuGHuFFeR shows: Full House (A/8) [Qs Ad Ah Qd]. Bets: 21.05. Collects: 0. Loses: 21.05.
    Player obamamouth does not show cards.Bets: 0. Collects: 0. Wins: 0.
    Game ended at: 2014/1/2 20:2:6

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Demi-God DocHo11idaze's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    [ ] ship your stack
    [X] fold pre flop
    Turtleboooy: lol when i come on i think f*** that Doc guy but i dont know why...haha

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