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  1. #1
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    File under Trash Talker get served (they are never right when they qoute you stats et

    You ever get trash talkers? Dumb ones? And then serve the hell out of them? Heres one to warm the cockles...
    I'm playing in a tourney, Fast 50, and I get aces - I shove into 3 players not wanting a show down...dummy calls me - lose 1500 to me...I was very tight and it was getting late. 2 hands later (keep in mind i played only 8 hands so far in 2 hours) I get AA agin!! I do the same thing into 5 guys with bets... Dummy calls me again!! This time he had AK off. I think 50% of my hands til then were AA or KK. He starts quoting every sucker in the book tellng me I suck. I tell him Im the tightest player here? Why would you call with AK off??? for 90% of your stack? He then starts quoting stats and how i suck. Little did he know I was in 3 tourneys at the same time - and cashing in all 3. Told him to look me up real time. What his stats don't tell him is that I win $11 sat coupons all the time and can't use them. When I lose the coupon - or flat donkem off cuz run out of time, I lose $11 off my stats - which is huge considering I only play .06, .50 and $1 tourneys. All those free roll Sat Coupons sku stats awful. His HU display fkd him - and loud mouth gets railed. All her had to do was avoid me and he would of final tabled with me. I FT 2 tourneys and took 37 out of 450 for 13x Buy in. If he would have watched me on ANY table - he would of saved himself lots.

  2. #2
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    i hate how all these losers want to pull up your stats when they get a little titled. but i wonder how many players actually do it and never say anything. i rarely ever pull out someones stats because i probably wontt play them ever again. especially on a big site, on small sites its more beneficial. and its mainly about how they are playing in the tournament that reall matters.

  3. #3
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    stats are only a guideline and should never be used to berate players. I like the stat sites as they are great to get read on the regs. I wish ppl would stop using them as a tool to talk trash as they are getting less and less useful by the day b/c of this.

    IE Now you can opt out of all the stat sites.

  4. #4
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    You talk a lot of trash yourself mr cats. lol

  5. #5
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by SendCookies View Post
    stats are only a guideline and should never be used to berate players. I like the stat sites as they are great to get read on the regs. I wish ppl would stop using them as a tool to talk trash as they are getting less and less useful by the day b/c of this.

    IE Now you can opt out of all the stat sites.
    I totally agree with you .

  6. #6
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    He overplayed his AK and was pissed, big baby.

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