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  1. #11
    TON is Gone.
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    How did I survive? I was top 25% at the 2 hr mark (when registration finally closed. 2 hr late reg? God i hate that). Had a sizable chip lead and I'm not one dumbasses who thinks you have to go ALL IN every time you get a pair.

    First two cases I made standard raises, and got called All-In by short stacks.

    The third, I limped and everyonne folded.

    The QQ I got donked by the donkiest donk that ever donked.

    The 9 -4, I said f'it and donked myself and took down three other stacks.

    This table was nuts.

  2. #12
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    sometimes it is not skill game.. sometimes it is just card game and you cant avoid to it...

  3. #13
    TON is Gone.
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Don't I know it Weenie.

    I am always reminding myself that even the best pairs mean nothing until the flop... and even then suckouts happen all the time. Going All in seems to invite problems so I tend to bet and eliminate oposition in the trenches (not always though, I mix it up effectively I think).

    This one game though.... you have no idea how frustrated I was.

  4. #14
    TON is Gone.
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    This will become my personal VENT thread.

    So it's gone from losing to randonm donks with crads to just ouright painfull losses. So far today in no lesss then 5 tournaments in a row I have gone down to someone elses pocket aces. It is uncanny. Every time it comes down to a showdown today BAM!! They have pocket aces.

    I decided to walk away for a few hours. I was killing this week in the Micro-Millions, but now..... I just don't know.

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