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  1. #1
    Seasoned Veteran testuser133's Avatar
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    Do you believe in Rivers?

    As far as im concerned no one like to be kicked out of a tournament just because of the dumb playing of some players out there that pray to get the victory hand by the river(these players are called in the table dumbs or lucky ass)i will tell the truth i hate rivers because give to my fish a hope of beating me and to be sincerely honest it have happen some times to me.Like one time i was holding As ks and my pray was holding a pair of 3s i called him (these was in a real table in ultimatebet)so i see the flop it comes Ad 8h 8s he checks i raised big he called,the turn comes Qc i go all in and he called me and the river comes 3!!!!! and i losed my stack there, geez if u players dont call that a lucky ass then must be that the dealer was selled anyway i hope you players dont get rivered.If you got a story of how bad the river beat you tell it here by replying.

  2. #2
    Seasoned Veteran testuser582's Avatar
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    Happens all the time man.. Probably 5 times a day to me

  3. #3
    Seasoned Veteran testuser133's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggrocallerOOP View Post
    Happens all the time man.. Probably 5 times a day to me
    Still doesn't make it suck any less
    the dark violin marking is well defined, with the neck of the violin pointing toward the bulbous abdomen

  4. #4
    New User
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    Yeah, we've all been "rivered". The elitist in me (read: P. Helmuth ideology) is inclined to state this:
    • You can't be 'rivered', at any point, if you effectively have the nuts*.
    • Going all in, in any hand, without the nuts earns you the right to be beat.
    • Every fish has his day.

    *Nuts: The best possible hand available from your hole cards, and the community** cards.
    **Community Cards- The flop, turn, and river combined.

    Quote Originally Posted by BrownRecluse
    Like one time i was holding As ks and my pray was holding a pair of 3s i called him (these was in a real table in ultimatebet)so i see the flop it comes Ad 8h 8s he checks i raised big he called,the turn comes Qc i go all in and he called me and the river comes 3!!!!! and i losed my stack there
    So, You have AK(spd), and Enemy has 33.
    Flop comes Ad 8h 8s.

    At this point, you have top pair, but your flush draw is limited to requiring both turn and river. The pair on the board should of given you halt -- everyone plays snowmen -- remember that. Everybody has their own personal 'hands', (nobody will lay down AA unless their are extenuating circumstances, for instances, but not everyone will play 22 -- some will fold it regardless -- it's others favorite hand) even if you personally don't like/play 88s, or Facecard/8+, other's might.

    So Flop came, you hit top pair and still have a 2card flush draw; he didn't hit.

    You raised (right move), and he called after the turn, which didn't help either one of you, but eliminated your flush draw. You went all in (when you should of just raised -- adding pressure when you sensed you had the best hand was the right move here (hindsight being 20/20). Going all in in virtual poker has had an attatched stigma of 'lolallin' mentality, rather than a serious 'i put everything I effing got on this hand holmes, bring it' that it used to. That being said, it's clear from your context you were trying to push him out of the hand and take your chips and be on the way; I agree with your intent but not your method. Having called to see the flop (you didn't specify who was dealer/sb/bb or whether there was a raise over bb, but you said you 'called him' to see flop), he checked and you "raised big" (right move), he called (a tell that he has SOMETHING, if your playing for real money the mentally handicapped drop off quickly), after the turn comes you leave out what he did (as he should still have first action..) but go all in and he calls. The 3 coming on the river doesn't surprise me; if I'd been a spectator at your table it'd of been quite expected, honestly. The non-aggressor will always win in virtual poker (since they never win in real life games, and I love them coming to my weekly games!)

    To sum up the above wall of text..

    You began playing to take the pot down after the flop, raising big after his check and going all in before the river came even though you lost your flush draw. Even though you had top pair, without the nuts (read: a pair on the board allowing anyone with anything to make a full house if the board pairs) an all in was the wrong move, especially against someone that could put you out of the game -

    and i losed my stack there
    - a raise again of pot-value would of been sufficient, or even to check it down if you were short stack. Anyone that will take 3s and call everything thrown at them when everything on the board beats them if paired will not be intimidated by an all-in from a short-stack.

    Anyway, hope some insight might be gained -- coffee makes me ramble.

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    happen every day to me ..the latest one i was dealt AK the flop was AK9 off the guy call with 78 suit. then i went all in he call needed runnig cards then the turn was a7 and the rivera 7.

  6. #6
    New User
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    good reply logic.....however there was 1 point that I think was inaccurate...."The non-aggressor will always win in virtual poker"..... you seem to have a grasp of the game and strategies that are involved there-in, but in both the real world and virtual poker aggressive play is rewarded much more than passive play.....if you were to run the hand in the above example 20 times .....recluse would 70-80% of the time......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Do you believe in Rivers? uh yes
    i PLAY only CG, so whe, you lose vs a fish, he s still here !

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    i believe in river i hit it lots of times but i did get the bad beat number equals that

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I dunno if I should believe in the river. It hits me so many times but some other get me the sweet flavor of defeating my opponent. You just need to relax, at the end of the day is only odds. If you play to them, you will win more than the money that you lose.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I hate the river, it has screwed me many of times. LOL Most of the time i get beat on the river but oh well, its poker. Rivers seldom favor me.

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