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  1. #11
    PokerOwned Master BradysDad's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    You must have been playing mother nature. I knew she was a gambler!
    My Movember mustache will rock your world!

  2. #12
    PokerOwned God abwil2's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    I forget which book it was i read but it had something in it about how anything can and will happen while your playing online, internet connection, kids have an accident, basement floods or pipe burst. It does really suck as some of us have had this happen. Its a risk we take when we are playing on the computer for real money. Some sites used to have a disconnect protection to where if u got discod it wouldnt fold you but what you had in the pot was protected. I think most did away with it cause people were using it as an advantage or to protect there loses. Hope you stay connected next time in a big pot
    Failing to Prepare is Preparing to fail : John Wooden

  3. #13
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
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    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by pcgnome View Post
    Here in Florida we get lots of thunderstorms in the evening this time of year. Which isn't so bad 'cuz it cools things off. Tonight I'm in the middle position w/ a pair of 10's , so I raise after the 2nd guy limps in. The BB's calls me, so I wait until the flop which is a rainbow w/ a 10. I have a set, and everybody checks to me. There is 2.5 k in the pot and I finally decide to bet 1500. As I am about to press the last 0, a pop-up tells me there is no connection with the site to the internet. I did not completely lose my internet connection, but the bet was lost. After the flop, The BB bets, and everybody else folds. I only had 750 chips left.
    OMG ive been there too many times! i am also in florida, i had just registered for a tourney and lost connection the same nite and couldnt get back on! it does suck big time!!

  4. #14
    PokerOwned God DuckU408's Avatar
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    i said that's rig, program have you on the hit list.

    This is getting old. Were sick and tired of the Spurs owning us. This is the year we ride up to the challenge, Get the monkey off our back! We Believe GO Dubbssss!!

  5. #15
    PokerOwned God
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    Dec 2011
    One site I played on would give u a couple disconnects a day and would simply turn over the cards if it was HU and play the hand out. It would also give you 30 seconds to re connect and continue hand.

    I play all in 90% of the time when I play SNG's so there no funny disconnect business. when you do that your bets in and your action is over so it doesn't matter if you disconnect. ITs the only way to play multiple tables over long periods...and not lose hands.,

  6. #16
    Experienced Member
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    Mar 2013
    why this things happens when we are in the middle of action and not whit 2 and 6 of suit

  7. #17
    PokerOwned Master
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    Jun 2013
    It was so bad one time, that i just started all in or folding when i had pockets or AK lol.

  8. #18
    PokerOwned Pro eichroll's Avatar
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    It sounds to me like the hardlines in florida are exposed. Theres no way a rain storm should affect connectivity unless ATT or whoevers lines they r r exposed.

  9. #19
    Elite PokerOwned Member pokerponed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcgnome View Post
    Here in Florida we get lots of thunderstorms in the evening this time of year. Which isn't so bad 'cuz it cools things off. Tonight I'm in the middle position w/ a pair of 10's , so I raise after the 2nd guy limps in. The BB's calls me, so I wait until the flop which is a rainbow w/ a 10. I have a set, and everybody checks to me. There is 2.5 k in the pot and I finally decide to bet 1500. As I am about to press the last 0, a pop-up tells me there is no connection with the site to the internet. I did not completely lose my internet connection, but the bet was lost. After the flop, The BB bets, and everybody else folds. I only had 750 chips left.
    That is rough man gl next game!

  10. #20
    PokerOwned Master cat2455's Avatar
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    Jun 2012
    That happened to me also, every time it rained phone would disconnect and I would lose connection. I switched to wifi which is absolutely fantastic. By the way, I asked phone repairman why it goes out all the time, He said these telephones were put in in 1938. LOL

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