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  1. #41
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by MovingFlea View Post
    but calling is a weak play. That's what I heards. How strong can he be really?! If calling is such a good play why do they say its better to raise. I mean my point is, EVERYONE throws C-bets nowadays. People are starting to call them with nothing now. You cant afford to give up the hand just because they call. The turn card is the new flop these days.
    Actually, your turn check was a weak play. Also, how did you play earlier hands and do you think he is good enough to have noticed how you were playing earlier. If you started with 40 BB and he played you like that then he obviously was a better player because he knew you were weak and also knew you would shove. So it wasn't a bad play or bad beat. You just plain out got outplayed. It happens to the best of us and maybe you should pay more attention to your own play and how others are watching it.

  2. #42
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Jul 2013
    definitely not that bad of a beat, dont even raise the monster in freerolls

  3. #43
    Experienced Member
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    Jan 2013
    Make the bad beats your best friend... a bad beat means that you played better than your opponent!

  4. #44
    PokerOwned Master trudizzle's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    you should have jammed all in pre......for sure he wouldve folded

  5. #45
    PokerOwned Master trudizzle's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MovingFlea View Post
    It's folded to me on the button in a cash game and obviously I'm raising here with any two cards. But what do you know! It's a pair of Aces! Ok, so far so good. AA on the Button, no way I can fu-- this up.

    The BB, and the SB are tightwads(ones multitabling and the others a chick) so instead of raising and winning a mini pot I simply limp it. I know, I know what your thinking. Dude, you can't limp in with AA, that's what the donks do. It's too late now though because as you will have it, monkey see, monkey do. I wanted to try it for once.

    It's fine though, because SB raises me and the BB calls. So it ended up being a raised pot anyways and I call with the intention of getting it all in on the flop.

    K Q Q





    At this point. I'm in a bad way. I just don't know it yet. The little noob donks sucked out on me as you will see later on.

    The multitable (how do you spell that?) donk bets and the chick calls. I pick up a flush draw so I simply callz.


    The wrong Jack. I was hoping to see maybe a spade, you know, for the flush. but the only thing being flushed are my chips. Down the toilet of suckouts.

    The BB makes an oversized bet and is all in. The SB calls. I call with my straight.

    The BB shows hole cards, TT.
    The SB shows hole cards KQ.
    Heroic SOB shows hole cards AA.

    In case your slow the chick stacked all of us with full house Queens over Kings.

    I don't know what to do anymore. I couldn't sleep that night.
    Now thats a tuff spot but the player having KQ is most likely going to call a raise from you and see a flop with KQ knowing that on the button you could be rasing with any two. So you were going to be in an unfortunate pos. ition either way raising or not. At least you had 1 person beat after the flop. But if you wouldve raised pre th pp 10s might have popped it up, then you could have three bet and maybe got it all in pre and no way would the KQ have followed and you would have won. Just and unfortunate spot. Maybe shouldve just doubled the blind and tried to get one of the blinds to fold pre.

  6. #46
    Experienced Member
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    If you jam it in pre-flop 1010 calls so jamming would of failed anyway. A big raise pre-flop which is what you should have done and KQ most likely folds. 1010 will see a flop suspecting you have AK. You bet the flop to protect your hand and you take down the pot. The only way I see you dodging the situation you put yourself in is by realizing that with all that checking then the all ins on the river with a call screams someone has a monster hand. A straight on the board with that type of action is almost never good. Never ever complete the blind with AA in that position. The "clever" play is not worth the tilt it will put you in if you get cracked.

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