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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Worst Luck in Pokerowned Freerolls.

    I always get donked out of these by major bad beats. They are so ridiculous that I started keeping track of them. Yesterday, 4-4 went all-in, pre-flop, and I called w/ 10-10. He flopped a set and I lost. OK, it happens. Wouldn't be a big deal if stu like that didn't happen almost every day. Then, today, I was in the small blind w/ only 687 chips left, w/ j-j. Everybody folded around to 3819, who was on the button and raised to 240 chips. I only called so if big cards hit the flop, I could fold and still have a few chips. Blinds were only 20/40, so I'd still have a chance if I folded. The flop came 8-3-8. I was looking good now, so I checked to induce him into putting me all-in, which he did. He turns up 7-9 off! lmao! OK, great, unless he hits runner runner, I'm gonna double up. He had less than a 4% chance of winning. Turn 6, river 5. Are u f'ing kiddin me? Then, 3819 had the nerve to say it was my fault cuz I slow played it! If I bet, and he had big cards, he would've called. Only way he would fold to my bet, since he had twice as many chips as I did, is if he had absolutely nothing. If he had nothing, why would I want him to fold. Better to get as much out of the hand as possible. Even if it was a bad play on my part, it doesn't change the fact that I got beat when I was 96% favorite. If u think it was a bad play by me, I really don't care. I know it wasn't. I was playing cautious, at 1st, cuz of my small chip stack, then decided to take a chance cuz I got such a great flop. The whole point of the post is the bad beat, not the play. I'm getting sick of getting beat by runner runners on FTP.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Lol gtrippp you have multiple bad bead threads already. Why don't you just post it in one thread eh?

  3. #3
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    welcome to the club!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    OK, now in tonite's pokerowned freeroll, I get Q-Q and raise 4x BB and get 2 callers. Flop is 9d-6s-2d. Barbosa30 bets 40 chips into a 500 chip pot, I re-raise 1,240 more chips, all-in, not trying to deal w/ somebody chasing and catching up. He still called, tho, w/ As-6d!!! Turn card diamond, river card diamond! I actually cracked up laughing cuz I knew it was gonna happen! LOL! He called a 1,240 chip bet, w/ middle pair, for a 500 chip pot, then hit runner runner to win. Beat AGAIN by a runner runner!!! You're only supposed to lose to RR about 3 or 4 times, out of 100 times that hands needing RR go to showdown, which they hardly ever do, but here I am getting beat by RR over and over again. And then he laughed at me, too! FML! LMAO!
    @Dyrantula: Not all bad beat stories are the same, so they don't all fit in the same categories. This thread is about Pokerowned freerolls, which is why it's in the Pokerowned Freeroll section.
    Last edited by gtrippp; 04-03-2011 at 07:27 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    OK, here we go again. Let's see how long it takes to get knocked out by a runner runner again. SMH.
    (55 min. later) : well, this one wasn't as bad. I got crap hands the whole game, and got knocked out by a 49% fav over my 51% fav, so basically lost a coin flip. Much better than losing to runner runner, tho.
    Last edited by gtrippp; 04-03-2011 at 11:01 PM.

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