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  1. #861
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rivdee View Post
    Then you forfeit. The reason it can only really work with Carbon is you'd want to know your opponent for the next round, and it's rare that two Carbon tournaments overlap. Also, we get more people for those tournaments than any other you run.
    I think the idea is sound, just its hard for people to play in all 4 Carbon tournaments.. Ur talking 12 straight hours of playing poker every time you want to play.. Maybe 2-3 people might
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  2. #862
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    In essence, this idea is just 15 LLBs throughout the day, determined by other LLB results.

  3. #863
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    I think the idea is sound, just its hard for people to play in all 4 Carbon tournaments.. Ur talking 12 straight hours of playing poker every time you want to play.. Maybe 2-3 people might
    OK, well this idea is in the draft stage . Maybe you could spread it out over a few days.

  4. #864
    Elite PokerOwned Member onehotdame's Avatar
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    some of us aint got nutten betta to do ..n i think the numbers would be a little higher
    <Poof> I only want to kick those chickens that beat up the rooster

  5. #865
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    You should do some kind of donkey bet tournament where people pay like 100 points to enter and get like 1000 units to use in donkey bets. At the end of the day/week the person with the most units wins the prizepool.

    Edit: Thinking about it you could do the exact same thing with LLB's.

  6. #866
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onehotdame View Post
    some of us aint got nutten betta to do ..n i think the numbers would be a little higher
    There are at least 16 degens here that would be all for it.

  7. #867
    Zab is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rivdee View Post
    OK, well this idea is in the draft stage . Maybe you could spread it out over a few days.
    What if we make this like idea, and twist it a bit.. Think March Madness.. Field of 64 with brackets..

    So the idea I am getting is, the first 64 people who want to sign up, fill in the spots.. If we only get 50 then people will get byes in the first round..

    Ok imagine a bracket:

    You get randomly seeded...

    What we do is make it a LLB challenge..

    Example: Lets say you are seeded against Prawney. Rivdee vs Prawney

    - THE FIRST tournament that BOTH of you play in together, whoever Lasts Longer than the other wins and advances to the next round (Tomorrow)

    - If neither of you play in the same tournament, whoever finishes higher for the day (5th place vs 15th place etc, 5th place advances)

    - If neither of you play at all today, winner determined by coin flip

    - In the event of a tie, whoever finished in a higher place with a larger field (5th place - 80 person field vs 5th place 60 person field, the 80 person field would advance)

    Wednesday - Monday field of 64 starts to be filled for the next week
    Round 1- Monday (Down to 32)
    Round 2- Tuesday (Down to 16)
    Round 3- Wednesday (Down to 8)
    Round 4- Thursday (Down to 4)
    Round 5 - Friday (Down to 2)
    Round 6 - Saturday (Winner)
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  8. #868
    Gods' God's God PokeYourFace's Avatar
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    i think the random seeding is whack. You can rank players on here.

  9. #869
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    What if we make this like idea, and twist it a bit.. Think March Madness.. Field of 64 with brackets..

    So the idea I am getting is, the first 64 people who want to sign up, fill in the spots.. If we only get 50 then people will get byes in the first round..

    Ok imagine a bracket:

    You get randomly seeded...

    What we do is make it a LLB challenge..

    Example: Lets say you are seeded against Prawney. Rivdee vs Prawney

    - THE FIRST tournament that BOTH of you play in together, whoever Lasts Longer than the other wins and advances to the next round (Tomorrow)

    - If neither of you play in the same tournament, whoever finishes higher for the day (5th place vs 15th place etc, 5th place advances)

    - If neither of you play at all today, winner determined by coin flip

    - In the event of a time, whoever finished in a higher place with a larger field (5th place - 80 person field vs 5th place 60 person field, the 80 person field would advance)

    Wednesday - Monday field of 64 starts to be filled for the next week
    Round 1- Monday (Down to 32)
    Round 2- Tuesday (Down to 16)
    Round 3- Wednesday (Down to 8)
    Round 4- Thursday (Down to 4)
    Round 5 - Friday (Down to 2)
    Round 6 - Saturday (Winner)

    OK Now we're talking. I would tweak the following - If neither person plays, it should be a draw and they are both eliminated (remember, we're trying to reward player loyalty).

    The cool thing is, for a very small investment of 100 pts, you could win 6400 if the tournament filled in.

  10. #870
    PokerOwned Demi-God NateVest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    What if we make this like idea, and twist it a bit.. Think March Madness.. Field of 64 with brackets..

    So the idea I am getting is, the first 64 people who want to sign up, fill in the spots.. If we only get 50 then people will get byes in the first round..

    Ok imagine a bracket:

    You get randomly seeded...

    What we do is make it a LLB challenge..

    Example: Lets say you are seeded against Prawney. Rivdee vs Prawney

    - THE FIRST tournament that BOTH of you play in together, whoever Lasts Longer than the other wins and advances to the next round (Tomorrow)

    - If neither of you play in the same tournament, whoever finishes higher for the day (5th place vs 15th place etc, 5th place advances)

    - If neither of you play at all today, winner determined by coin flip

    - In the event of a tie, whoever finished in a higher place with a larger field (5th place - 80 person field vs 5th place 60 person field, the 80 person field would advance)

    Wednesday - Monday field of 64 starts to be filled for the next week
    Round 1- Monday (Down to 32)
    Round 2- Tuesday (Down to 16)
    Round 3- Wednesday (Down to 8)
    Round 4- Thursday (Down to 4)
    Round 5 - Friday (Down to 2)
    Round 6 - Saturday (Winner)
    I like the bracket format, players are already familiar with March Madness brackets. Looking forward to start participating in the promotion. Thanks again for your hard work Zab, Kudos to you !!

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