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  1. #31
    PokerOwned God Drywallman3's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    this is awesome, Zab you are the man!!! Thumbs up

    20:58 <Poof> I would trade my husband for gisele
    18:37 <thepokerkid> @thepokerkid: and stop thinking about gay things

  2. #32
    PokerOwned God
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I think thats a fair price, especially with raising up the price pool

  3. #33
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    what no way
    oh well less games for me for sure
    once a week is about all i play anyway

    lol 5 points more money no brainer well done Zab

  4. #34
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    ooo implimented on time zab i am impressed haha

  5. #35
    Seasoned Veteran
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    Oct 2011
    How come you don't have $75 one every-night instead of once a week? Seems like it gets at-least double the amount of people as normal ones do. Is there something I am missing?

  6. #36
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    May 2011
    I will try to play, but almost always fail to register in time. In fact, I have not had enough time the last dozen or so times I have tried.

  7. #37
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by mannip23 View Post
    How come you don't have $75 one every-night instead of once a week? Seems like it gets at-least double the amount of people as normal ones do. Is there something I am missing?
    We're slowing working our way up there

    The last night ones were $25 then $30 now they are $40!
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  8. #38
    PokerOwned Master jbetta01's Avatar
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    Nov 2011
    so they will just keep going up? will the entry price keep rising as well
    poker terminology-
    Drawing Dead: If you call and hit your one outer.... I will kill you..!

  9. #39
    PokerOwned Veteran
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    Aug 2011
    to be honest jdging by the number of entries im guessing that reduce the pressure on zab to increase the entry price

  10. #40
    PokerOwned Master Prozach's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    Zab you are finding more and more ways to rip us off. If you don't suspend this I will leave this site forever.
    You check, I bet. You raise, I re-raise. You go all-in, I fold.
    "Ya prozach makes a good point" - Zab

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