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Thread: SuperSonic Ads

  1. #11
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Searching for a comparable replacement
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  2. #12
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Yeah, I also want Supesonic back, loved the videos...

  3. #13
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Although i try to stay as far away as possible from all that type of stuff [make me so angry}! Super Rewards are the chumps i dislike.
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  4. #14
    PokerOwned God LvegasL1's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Never to much problem with SuperSonic though. Could not tell you much about the rest of them.
    "Maybe Poker's Just Not Your Game"

  5. #15
    Survey Master
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    Jan 2011
    SuperSonic Ads is a good offerwall for the user, bad business partner for the leader.

  6. #16
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
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    Feb 2008
    We've spoken to them in depth the past few days, we have the option to re-add them in the future, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

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