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View Poll Results: Promotion % Deudction

23. You may not vote on this poll
  • Leave it at 4%

    3 13.04%
  • Increase to 5%

    8 34.78%
  • Increase to 7%

    0 0%
  • Increase to 8%

    4 17.39%
  • Increase to 10%

    7 30.43%

    1 4.35%
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Results 31 to 33 of 33
  1. #31
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Infector101 View Post
    I honestly think the percent that is taken in promotions should go down the more surveys and things that you do or the longer you're a member the less percent you pay in promotions. Gives an intensive to do more surveys and be a member longer. Maybe?
    I suppose it depends. My worry is that really new players may not be able to accumulate points and will get scared away.

  2. #32
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Most people do seem to want an increase tho which is nice.

  3. #33
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I'm pretty new on here but I love the promos. Just been crazy busy with my business lately so still havent had time to give you guys a good run for your money but I'll have more time in a week or two. so initially i was like wtf why is 4% being taken away. but seeing as how I like most of the promos Ill vote for 8%.

    Here's an idea. the raffle costs 10 points. I know that only 6 points go to the pot so why not just take another point and add it to other stuff. 1 more point from each ticket won't really make a big dent in the prize pool. (also would be cool if you could buy tix for more than 4 straight plays)

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