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  1. #71
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Jul 2012
    that would be perfect for those who want to win without depositing! Do it Zab, you have my vote.

  2. #72
    PokerOwned Master
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    Another idea I am getting is a "green light list"

    That is, members that I green light will get their points even before I verify it. I am thinking up to $5 or something.

    This means if you are in a pinch and can't wait for me to verify it, you send it, you will get the points instantly. Sort of a "good standing members with credit"

    Obviously if you don't send it, you will lose that status
    Well i think in-case this ever happens and the GREEN LIGHT list happens then also add the option for people that are new or don't do much chating and keep in background or whatever to (BUY) them-self a green-light list ticket.

    HOW IT WORKS: they send you 5 or 10$ so they can always get points up to whatever amount they sent ....and if they decide they want the 10$ back they will be removed from the green light list
    In-case the purchase option onto the green-light list wont be added: NEW member signs up and sees this option now what the new member also sees is that some people can get the points before the transaction is verified and they are just told (well these are members the admin trusts) so this is what the new member think: uh ooh well what kind of site is this not all members are treated the same way by the ADMIN well i def don't wanna be here... so on so on. and if the ticket to the green-light list is just bought then its VERY simple they send 5 or 10$ get on the list and can have the points when they need em if in-case someone just leaves YOU lost nothing. If in-case someone wants the 10$ back they will be removed from the green-light list couldt be more easier

  3. #73
    PokerOwned Demi-God StackSnack's Avatar
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    I see them wanting to trade all the time. This would be a well implemented idea furthering the demand for your site!

  4. #74
    Zab is offline
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    I am probably going to do this upgrade this week.

    A couple notes here:

    1) I don't want to ruin the secondary market for people. That is, people who always sell poker funds for points. I want YOUR rates to BEAT mine all the time. So if you are looking to sell, people will go to you first

    2) It will likely be 350-400 points for $1.00 or someplace along those lines for a couple reasons. First, see above (secondary market).. Second, in many cases for those "trusted" users or green lit.. I will actually be giving you points before I even verify you sent me the funds. That is, if you say you sent me $10, I will instantly give you the points.

    My initial thoughts are to have different 'trust' levels.

    1- I must verify you sent the payment
    2- You will get points up front before I verify up to $1.00
    3- You will get points up front before I verify up to $5.00
    4- You will get points up front before I verify up to $10.00
    5- You will get points up front before I verify up to $25.00

    The idea is, if you are in a pinch for points, you can get them instantly, no waiting..

    This could also entice people to play at sites like Juicy or Lock who normally wouldn't. Think about it.. You play there for 90 points, you win $3.00. You instantly sell that back for 1000 - 1200 points. Win \ Win all the way around.

    Anything else you can think of that I should add to this?
    Last edited by Zab; 04-07-2013 at 05:25 PM.
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  5. #75
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    what is the limit if money I can sell to you for pts? like daily limits? weekly limits? monthly limits?
    Last edited by Zab; 04-07-2013 at 05:26 PM.

  6. #76
    Zab is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by SendCookies View Post
    what is the limit if money I can sell to you for pts? like daily limits? weekly limits? monthly limits?
    Not sure, I don't know how popular this will be!
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  7. #77
    PokerOwned God
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    sounds like it will be very popular.....

  8. #78
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    I think it is a great idea. It will bring a lot of points to the site which will increase client play and llbs. Also I think it will decrease the amount of people in default because it will be easier to get points.

  9. #79
    PokerOwned God SendCookies's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    Not sure, I don't know how popular this will be!
    Talk to me in main chat please.

  10. #80
    PokerOwned God
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    I would do this offer and quite a bit. I always looking to sell my poker funds.

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