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  1. #41
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    i love it , but what about placing a bet on say yourself, to win

  2. #42
    PokerOwned God potfan42o's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    yo0u can do that by playing pin the tail on the donkey,.. check out fantasty poker too

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Zab View Post
    What is Donkey Betting?

    Basically it is like Horse Racing, you can pick the people who are opted into a tournament and bet on them. We have odds (Sort of) and everything! You can pick them to win, place, show or just to make it ITM (In the money = Top 9)

    Win, Place or Show?

    If you bet on someone to JUST WIN. They have to take 1st place and you win points
    If you bet on someone to PLACE they can take 1st OR 2nd and you win points
    If you bet on someone to SHOW they can take 1st, 2nd or 3rd and you win points.

    What's the difference? You obviously get paid more if you do Win only, then Place, then show.

    Or, you can take the best odds (Least points you can win) and pick a person to just make it in the money

    Do I need to be in the tournament?

    NO! As long as you have points to wager, you can bet on any Donkeys (players) you want! I have capped the max bet at 20 points right now to test the system. I am not sure I have the correct odds in place, if I am paying out to much or to little. So this will very much be a work in progress until I see how things go.

    What do you mean by odds?

    Different Donkeys (Players) pay out more or less based on their skill level. We show you an ITM % (% or how often this player makes it in the money). Sadly, we just started keeping track of this. We then rank the players from most favored to least. The person who is most favored you would win the least amount of points from, and last place and so on.

    We show you points you can win per 1 point wagered. So if you see Zab to Win 25.5: This would mean for every 1 point I wager, I would win 25.5 points if Zab took 1st place.

    The more people who opt in, the more points you will win.

    What if my Donkey misses the tournament?

    You can request a refund and I will double check to make sure your Donkey did in fact not play

    How soon must I get my bet down?

    Betting window opens 1 hour before tournament start time and window is closed 1 minute after the tournament starts

    When do I get paid if I win?

    You get paid after I update the leader board for THAT tournament.

    I figured out a way to defeat the system and win money every time, should I tell you?

    I hope so It's a work in progress. I am not a handicapper by nature, so this is supposed to be for fun.
    I set it up so you can do 20 points max per bet, 5 Max bets per tournament also (So you cannot bet on every single person).

    *** IMPORTANT *** Remember, whatever the points are \ odds when you place your bet, CAN AND WILL change if more people opt in or opt out. The more people that play, the more points you will win if you place.
    You should really have the not in the money bet be higher odds in favor of the house. For instance. If I cash only 10% of the time, my odds to not cash should be -800 or close. So I would put up 800 points to win 100. Other wise someone like me will just watch and bet on the worst person every time. That is unless that is how it works already and the odds are just not right till start. But I bet for someone to not make the $ and was +105 pretty much on odds. with a 20% ITM stat. I could get rich off that lol

  4. #44
    PokerOwned Veteran SyKoChiller's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Are we allowed to place bets on ourselves?

  5. #45
    Elite PokerOwned Member P0K3R4F00D's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    this seems like another easy way to earn points!

    I have a few donkeys in mind that will bring me points.
    Good going Zab!
    I poker face off and now she faceless.
    I poker so much I deserve a bracelet!

  6. #46
    PokerOwned God jasonv12's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I'd like to see the limit per bet raised to maybe 100 or something? What do you guys think?

  7. #47
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    This sounds like a lot of fun!

  8. #48
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    im a donky your a donkey were all donkeys lalalalallalalalalalla

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I got a donkey point the other day, don't know here it came from... but thank ya lmao

  10. #50
    Elite PokerOwned Member
    Join Date
    May 2012
    that a nice idea.. im using it a lot.
    very nice thinking : )

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