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  1. #21
    PokerOwned Veteran
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Don't care for the idea of a new player FR either. If you wanted to do some form of promotion for new members you can give a free coupon or entry into the respective client's FR if you enroll thru BR Boosting program. If it was more difficult to earn points I'd be more for it but the fact of the matter is it takes a few minutes to make a couple hundred points and that at least forces new members to explore the site a little bit.

  2. #22
    Seasoned Veteran
    Join Date
    May 2013
    just got to help us new members learn how to earn the points easier. spending hours in the surveys is lame. the forums are starting to he;p tthough

  3. #23
    Experienced Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 2sweet247 View Post
    I don't think it would help retain players,cause in the end you still have to make points to play the PO games.
    I agree that if players are tired of earning the points to proceed it really doesn't matter what else you could offer them and you would have to watch out for people signing up just to play in the freeroll, there would need to be some requirements or else people would take advantage.

  4. #24
    PAY OFF YOUR LOAN!! dudemanstan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I opted in and got password and it would not let me register on bovada WTF!!!

  5. #25
    PokerOwned Demi-God tracyrickrobby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jackstraw89 View Post
    Don't care for the idea of a new player FR either. If you wanted to do some form of promotion for new members you can give a free coupon or entry into the respective client's FR if you enroll thru BR Boosting program. If it was more difficult to earn points I'd be more for it but the fact of the matter is it takes a few minutes to make a couple hundred points and that at least forces new members to explore the site a little bit.
    i know carbon gives out free coupons randomly to recruit players to the website!! i received one before i was a member here!! and i totally agree, about exploring!! i was turned off at first having to do surveys and downloads, now im a PokerOwned fiend!! LOL

  6. #26
    PokerOwned Demi-God
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    There probably wouldn't be enough demand for new player FR. But maybe 100 points just for signing up. That might be incentive enough to get people to check this place out. Like Tracy said it's easy to be turned off at first, but once you get going it's quite addictive.

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