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  1. #1
    Zab is offline
    PokerOwned Admin Zab's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    New (Improved) Upgrade - Staking Phase 1 -

    Staking Phase 1 is now ready. Phase 2, which hopefully will be in soon will include tourneys outside of PokerOwned Live and Ready

    Rule #1 - #100 = DO NOT BEG FOR A STAKE. You may ask once every 15-30 mins or so, as long as you aren't annoying about it. Mods will be given instructions to 30 min chat ban anyone who begs for a stake in PM, In chat or on the forum. Don't abuse it

    There are 2 types of staking.
    1) PokerOwned Coupon (Carbon) Tournaments
    2) Non-PokerOwned Coupon (Carbon) Tournaments

    They are very different from each other so read up!


    What is this?

    For those users who don't have enough points, they can request to be staked in tournaments. This means, any carbon coupon tournament we have listed, you can be staked for.

    How can I tell who best TO stake?

    Click image below to see an example
    Attachment 813

    We give you several tools to make your decision should you choose to stake someone.

    #1 We show you their ITM % (This is the % they are 'In the money')
    #2 We show you if they are offline or online right now, if you wanted to talk to them in real time working out any details you can think of
    #3 We show you if they are Carbon Verified (This means, they are allowed to transfer money from player to player. Important if that is the method you choose to be paid back).
    #4 We show the amount of times they are staked
    #5 Most important, we show you their feedback %. If they are bad (Like ebay) they get a negative rating and poor feedback. You can also read comments from other users by clicking on the Magnifying glass!!

    Who can be staked?

    Anyone who has played in at least 10 games at PokerOwned

    How do I know if someone has staked me?

    You will get a blinking notice right above the chatbox on the main page. Also, if you click the staking page, you will also be able to see it (And accept it). Remember, you MUST accept it!!


    How does it work?

    Every time you want to be staked, you "Opt in".

    Next, someone else comes along, they decide if they want to stake you or not. We show your stake rating % (Like ebay) and any comments users left about you. (Did you pay, were you slow to pay, did everything go ok).

    You can be staked in as many tournaments as you like throughout the day but only 1 at a time.

    What if I stake someone, how does that work?

    As soon as you stake someone, 150 points (The cost of a coupon) is deducted from their account. That person will then be notified they have a pending stake. Your points are instantly deducted from your account. If they person DOES NOT ACCEPT the stake, your points are returned to you, all you need to do is click cancel!
    Either party can click cancel BEFORE a stake is accepted.

    What happens if the person doesn't play right away?

    If you staked someone and they don't play right away, and they were issued a coupon, the VERY next tournament they play in, is considered the live stake. So if you stake someone at 1pm and they don't play until 10pm, that is the stake. You agree to these terms when you ask for a stake.

    Ok sweet, I staked someone and they won money!! How do I get paid?

    I don't care HOW the 2 of you work out that you get paid. I don't care if they give you World of Warcraft gold, FTP money, Pokerstars chips.. Whatever way you guys work out to make you 'whole' is up to you. I only give you the tools and show you how much they won.

    After you have been made 'whole', you can then leave positive feedback.

    What if I stake someone, they win money, and DON'T pay me?

    Nothing I can do. That is why I created the rating system. If you leave them bad feedback, they aren't likely to get staked in the future.


    What is this?

    Similar to the staking mentioned above, this is staking for ANY site, ANY tournament. Things aren't as automatic when we do it this way though. Everything is explained below.

    TO BE CONTINUED..............
    "And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
    Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
    So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
    In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."

  2. #2
    PokerOwned Demi-God StackSnack's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Very Cool! I love the aggressive approach being taken towards many of the issues we see in chat. Keep cleaning that chit up!

  3. #3
    PokerOwned Pro Marko88's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    wow,i want in!..Thats cool Zab,thank you for this

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