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  1. #1
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Leaderboard Feedback

    Now that we have 1 month in the books from our first contest, I'd like everyone's feedback: what do you like, what can be improved, etc. Please keep this thread to actual feedback as opposed to writing something about how its against your religious beliefs to participate or any other nonsense. My goal was to have a 2 month pilot of the original rules and make any tweaks to start the October tournament.

    Also, congrats to not only AStub for crushing it, but a lot of the new and returning members that made huge strides toward a top 9 finish near the end.

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  2. #2
    Elite PokerOwned Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rivdee View Post
    Now that we have 1 month in the books from our first contest, I'd like everyone's feedback: what do you like, what can be improved, etc. Please keep this thread to actual feedback as opposed to writing something about how its against your religious beliefs to participate or any other nonsense. My goal was to have a 2 month pilot of the original rules and make any tweaks to start the October tournament.

    Also, congrats to not only AStub for crushing it, but a lot of the new and returning members that made huge strides toward a top 9 finish near the end.
    I think overall the leaderboard is a nice promotion just a few comments of things to possibly improve/add

    1. If possible change the Client to show by points won rather than the rating system. I'm unsure how the rating system works exactly just that the more you win the higher you'll be. Considering the fact i joined in middle of month, I had no idea how far behind I was.
    2. Possibly add a category for LLB board for most points won (users can have negative amounts here). I think this will push more people to make LLB and get back to how PO was with numerous LLB for every tournament

  3. #3
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unkclan View Post
    I think overall the leaderboard is a nice promotion just a few comments of things to possibly improve/add

    1. If possible change the Client to show by points won rather than the rating system. I'm unsure how the rating system works exactly just that the more you win the higher you'll be. Considering the fact i joined in middle of month, I had no idea how far behind I was.
    2. Possibly add a category for LLB board for most points won (users can have negative amounts here). I think this will push more people to make LLB and get back to how PO was with numerous LLB for every tournament
    Ive asked Dev to make the change in client for pts won other than rating to add some clarity. The results are the same either way but I think it would be better to see how many you need as the month goes on to move up a place.

    I'm not adding the LLB's to this (but I like the thought); its a promotion within itself and I can see a lot of liabilities making that a category, especially considering you can block people and people might intentionally sit out to get a refund.

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  4. #4
    PokerOwned Demi-God gimmeabrew's Avatar
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    it's perfect the way it is

  5. #5
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimmeabrew View Post
    it's perfect the way it is
    Suck up.

    I agree it's great how it is. Also agree changing client part to pts won would be much better. I reslly don't get how it works now though I wasn't involved a lot this month. If it's using the rating system from before I know that was terrible once fields got below 20 or so which all games are at the moment. Just to add some positive feedback I've been thinking of people I could refer just to have a shot at ldrboard so I assume that is the intent

  6. #6
    Elite PokerOwned Member astub1975's Avatar
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    Whether it's ranked by points or rating is arbitrary. It's more important players know where they stand (especially outside of what's currently shown) as coming down to the wire each point or increase in rating may make a difference.

  7. #7
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madjek View Post
    Suck up.

    I agree it's great how it is. Also agree changing client part to pts won would be much better. I reslly don't get how it works now though I wasn't involved a lot this month. If it's using the rating system from before I know that was terrible once fields got below 20 or so which all games are at the moment. Just to add some positive feedback I've been thinking of people I could refer just to have a shot at ldrboard so I assume that is the intent
    Yeah I think it was misleading with the client rating, so we will get that fixed for this month.

    I also might expand all the leaderboards to 20 spots to show where you are, but still only award top 10.

    Also, leave gimme alone.

    If you want my method of referrals, I have a good post I wrote on it:

    Best Poets of All time<br/>

  8. #8
    Elite PokerOwned Member astub1975's Avatar
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    On the positive side the Leaderboard Contest 100% achieves it's objective and is a good thing for the site.

    Possible suggestions for improvement as they relate directly to the leaderboard's categories:

    - Possibly extend the places shown in the "client poker” and "referrals" section down to 20 (and specify that either the top 10 get points in the "client poker” section) OR change the "surveys" section to 40 (possible), the "referrals" and "client poker" sections to 20 (possible). This month, the results of the overall leaderboard may have finished differently in the 2nd and 3rd spots had the payers outside of 10th been able to see where they stood.

    -Look at standardizing how referrals go through the process of getting verified (and how points are subsequently moved from "held" status and are released to the referrer and count towards the leaderboard) and apply that policy uniformly. For example, having new referrals go through the verification process only when they earn enough points to put through their first redeem, and not before that point seems fair.

    -Make a decision as to whether you plan to re-enable the "background check" feature, and if a decision has already been made, prioritize it if you plan to re-enable it. If you don't plan to make it available again, make that known as well. I'm not going to go into further detail as to it's usefulness for the "referral" part, as it relates to the contest leaderboard, or for it's overall usefulness to this site overall.

    -If you are looking to add a new category, instead of adding LLB's which for obvious reasons already stated, is a terrible idea, look at possibly re-adding client rake-back to the poker client and a category for overall rake-back received.

  9. #9
    CEO - Truth Commission rivdee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by astub1975 View Post
    On the positive side the Leaderboard Contest 100% achieves it's objective and is a good thing for the site.

    Possible suggestions for improvement as they relate directly to the leaderboard's categories:

    - Possibly extend the places shown in the "client poker” and "referrals" section down to 20 (and specify that either the top 10 get points in the "client poker” section) OR change the "surveys" section to 40 (possible), the "referrals" and "client poker" sections to 20 (possible). This month, the results of the overall leaderboard may have finished differently in the 2nd and 3rd spots had the payers outside of 10th been able to see where they stood.

    -Look at standardizing how referrals go through the process of getting verified (and how points are subsequently moved from "held" status and are released to the referrer and count towards the leaderboard) and apply that policy uniformly. For example, having new referrals go through the verification process only when they earn enough points to put through their first redeem, and not before that point seems fair.

    -Make a decision as to whether you plan to re-enable the "background check" feature, and if a decision has already been made, prioritize it if you plan to re-enable it. If you don't plan to make it available again, make that known as well. I'm not going to go into further detail as to it's usefulness for the "referral" part, as it relates to the contest leaderboard, or for it's overall usefulness to this site overall.

    -If you are looking to add a new category, instead of adding LLB's which for obvious reasons already stated, is a terrible idea, look at possibly re-adding client rake-back to the poker client and a category for overall rake-back received.
    I originally had ideas for that space under the 2 mini leaderboards, but I think i might extend them all to 20 spots (leaving the scoring the way it is). Another option would be to leave it as is, but underneath each leaderboard have a little bold italicized thing that says what your total is in each category for the month so you know how far outside the top 10/20 you are.

    At the moment I'm not looking to add a category, but I will have the client one display points won vs. a rating as I think it would provide some clarity. If and when (again, big if) we ever get other freerolls going, I would want whatever is won there converted to points to match the client totals.

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  10. #10
    Elite PokerOwned Member astub1975's Avatar
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    Sounds great, thanks for the explaination. The only other thing was the "in the event of a tie" but you may have already addressed that.

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