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Thread: Collusion?

  1. #71
    PokerOwned Master
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    I think everyone is missing the point here. You are never allowed to talk about your hand in a multi-way pot(tournament or cash game) - period. Try doing this in a live game at a casino and see where it gets you. If it's HUs different casinos have different rules - but even the WSOP in HUs you are not allowed to talk about your hand - the Jamie Gold rule. It is 100% unethical and borders on collusion if you state your action depending on what another player will or will not do. bigphatmike is right here.
    Last edited by joefine; 03-24-2012 at 10:53 PM.

  2. #72
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    I guess we will have to agree to disagree prawney, you think im wrong and your rgiht and vice versa.

  3. #73
    PokerOwned God
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    If you explain to me where in the hand either of them got an edge over you or acted any differently then they would have if nothing was said then ill agree with you that something is wrong.
    This is actually pretty easy to explain. As discussed many times already talking about your hand when others are involved is a major no no.

    Here is one of many instances of what a google search for "poker etiquette" will produce.

    Poker Etiquette: Basic Poker Rules and Table Manners

    2. Don't Talk About Your Cards While the Hand is Still Going On


    google "poker collusion" ... one of the first hits

    Poker Collusion

    The most common form of cheating online is called ?collusion?. Colluders work in teams to either bet other players out of the pot, share information about what cards they each have, or to ?chip dump? to one another.

    If you know two cards that are dead and they are no help to you then you gain an edge... If I needed one of 4 eights or one of 4 fours to make a straight I'd love to know that 2 tens were dead.

  4. #74
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmeelneg View Post
    This is actually pretty easy to explain. As discussed many times already talking about your hand when others are involved is a major no no.

    Here is one of many instances of what a google search for "poker etiquette" will produce.

    Poker Etiquette: Basic Poker Rules and Table Manners

    2. Don't Talk About Your Cards While the Hand is Still Going On


    google "poker collusion" ... one of the first hits

    Poker Collusion

    The most common form of cheating online is called ?collusion?. Colluders work in teams to either bet other players out of the pot, share information about what cards they each have, or to ?chip dump? to one another.

    If you know two cards that are dead and they are no help to you then you gain an edge... If I needed one of 4 eights or one of 4 fours to make a straight I'd love to know that 2 tens were dead.
    Right On~

  5. #75
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bmeelneg View Post
    This is actually pretty easy to explain. As discussed many times already talking about your hand when others are involved is a major no no.

    Here is one of many instances of what a google search for "poker etiquette" will produce.

    Poker Etiquette: Basic Poker Rules and Table Manners

    2. Don't Talk About Your Cards While the Hand is Still Going On


    google "poker collusion" ... one of the first hits

    Poker Collusion

    The most common form of cheating online is called ?collusion?. Colluders work in teams to either bet other players out of the pot, share information about what cards they each have, or to ?chip dump? to one another.

    If you know two cards that are dead and they are no help to you then you gain an edge... If I needed one of 4 eights or one of 4 fours to make a straight I'd love to know that 2 tens were dead.
    This proves nothing. So doing 1 thing that colluders do just proves they were colluding. Thats like saying DL in the NFL usually weigh over 300llbs. So when i see someone 300llbs+ i can disregard all the other information i have and just assume he plays as a DL in the NFL. I know its stupid but that seems to be the arguements we are going for today.

    People seem to be missing my point. Mrfury said what hand he held. I agree with everyone that he cant/shouldnt do this. Normally his hand is ruled dead. Gimme didnt really do anything wrong. He indulged in table talk and while borderline all casino's/ card rooms have diff rules when it comes to what kinda talk they allow. You could even say he acted out of turn and his verbal action was binding, but since mrfury shoved the action changed and so he isnt held to his verbal action anymore.

    Ive never said that there wasnt some kind of foul play in the hand. But seriously with all the information available you cant say these guys were colluding against bpm. BPM is in this thread calling for bans and what not. When ur in the casino and somone flips up there hand my mistake and u see his cards do you stand up and scream "FLOOR", Then tell the floor you want everyone at the table kicked out and banned for colluding because they all see what hand he held and will use that info against you.

    Fury made a simple mistake. He even apologised for it. Yet your still on a mission to prove this was collusion against you.

  6. #76
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    This proves nothing. So doing 1 thing that colluders do just proves they were colluding. Thats like saying DL in the NFL usually weigh over 300llbs. So when i see someone 300llbs+ i can disregard all the other information i have and just assume he plays as a DL in the NFL. I know its stupid but that seems to be the arguements we are going for today.

    People seem to be missing my point. Mrfury said what hand he held. I agree with everyone that he cant/shouldnt do this. Normally his hand is ruled dead. Gimme didnt really do anything wrong. He indulged in table talk and while borderline all casino's/ card rooms have diff rules when it comes to what kinda talk they allow. You could even say he acted out of turn and his verbal action was binding, but since mrfury shoved the action changed and so he isnt held to his verbal action anymore.

    Ive never said that there wasnt some kind of foul play in the hand. But seriously with all the information available you cant say these guys were colluding against bpm. BPM is in this thread calling for bans and what not. When ur in the casino and somone flips up there hand my mistake and u see his cards do you stand up and scream "FLOOR", Then tell the floor you want everyone at the table kicked out and banned for colluding because they all see what hand he held and will use that info against you.

    Fury made a simple mistake. He even apologised for it. Yet your still on a mission to prove this was collusion against you.
    @Prawney if a guy accidentally shows his hand yes i am calling FLOOR because that is now a dead hand right away,,even if he has money in the pot, even if hes all in . that is the Rules and i stick by the rules. Its just like specualting in live poker, its a form of colluding. Speculation is sooo DAMN lenient and that pisses me off, because you can get a lot of information out of one perosn talking about his/her hand even to the littlest. So yes the action has changed because now their is new information, and you better beive Mrfury acted out of that Information.

  7. #77
    PokerOwned Demi-God
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    gimme cant even spell collucian.

  8. #78
    n00b hater azreal1's Avatar
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    so many damn squares man shit happens

    i have learnt one thing tho...i never wanna meet bpm in real life and play ANYTHING with this guy, guys who stick to the rules like this take all the fun out of everything

    the world is based on rules, some rules can be bent others, broken and some do have to be stuck to its about common sense if this were the wsop final table and the hand was between the top 3 stacks and as a result the comments made changed the hands outcome then yes i would agree some sort of action would need to be taken BUT the hands action wasnt changed, this is a ring game for less than $5 and for the love of god u benifited from it now kindly stfu u fucking idiot retard....i fucking hate americans at the best of times and you are doing them no fucking favours
    17:51 <PooffyFooffy> not everyone screws up things the way I can
    20:27 <PooffyFooffy> I could use all the help I can get, lol
    <PooffyFooffy>lol I have my share of duh moments, regularly, lol

  9. #79
    PokerOwned God
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    all i can say its wrong to talk period about your hand while 2 peeps are engage in the hand, hand over then yeah, but i am sure everyone know this right?
    Last edited by gametime74; 03-25-2012 at 12:37 PM.

  10. #80
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigphatmike View Post
    @Prawney if a guy accidentally shows his hand yes i am calling FLOOR because that is now a dead hand right away,,even if he has money in the pot, even if hes all in . that is the Rules and i stick by the rules. Its just like specualting in live poker, its a form of colluding. Speculation is sooo DAMN lenient and that pisses me off, because you can get a lot of information out of one perosn talking about his/her hand even to the littlest. So yes the action has changed because now their is new information, and you better beive Mrfury acted out of that Information.
    Why are you arguing against a point i didnt even make. I was asking if someone flipped their cards up would you call the floor and accuse the guy of colluding.

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