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Thread: Collusion?

  1. #61
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    Seriously , i cant beleive a mod defends cheaters so much, i guess hes your friend irl or something. theswe two ppl are the definition on PO scum, them and all the underage and bashers should be booted

  2. #62
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigphatmike View Post
    Mrfury did not want to call, he opened then gimme and i had postion on him, after gimme re raises then i shove, he doesnt really want to call thats why he tells his hand outloud to gimme. Gimme then pulled another level of dickishness by stating that he would fold if he called , After stating his hand outlod to gimme and I while this is the biggest pot of the Poker table, Fury then shoves because he now knows he has gimme beat.
    See that makes no sense. Because if fury was so afraid of gimme and didnt want to call. Then when gimme said he would fold if fury calls, fury would have just called instead of shoving. No reason to shove because like i said in a cash game like this it is more likely gimme is angling fury then colluding against you. So to me this pretty much shows the fury didnt use what gimme said in making his decision

    As for gimme its pretty obvious that he didnt let knowing fury had 10,10 change his actions as he called anyways.

    Those were the 2 things that were said. And considering neither used any of the info given up when making their decisions its pretty clear they werent conspiring against you.

  3. #63
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prawney View Post
    See that makes no sense. Because if fury was so afraid of gimme and didnt want to call. Then when gimme said he would fold if fury calls, fury would have just called instead of shoving. No reason to shove because like i said in a cash game like this it is more likely gimme is angling fury then colluding against you. So to me this pretty much shows the fury didnt use what gimme said in making his decision

    As for gimme its pretty obvious that he didnt let knowing fury had 10,10 change his actions as he called anyways.

    Those were the 2 things that were said. And considering neither used any of the info given up when making their decisions its pretty clear they werent conspiring against you.
    Gimme had open ended straight draw aka the nuts for him, hes never folding after re raising.. Fury KNew he wasnt folding ffs lol you obviously didnt read the chat log... Since now he knew that gimme was weak, he knew he had him beat at least that is why he reshoved.

  4. #64
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigphatmike View Post
    Gimme had open ended straight draw aka the nuts for him, hes never folding after re raising.. Fury KNew he wasnt folding ffs lol you obviously didnt read the chat log... Since now he knew that gimme was weak, he knew he had him beat at least that is why he reshoved.
    @Prawney : thats an easy level when you state your hand then the other guy replies weak... He now knows he has the intital re raiser beat.

  5. #65
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
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    its fucked up but it can go both ways, if it happened to me id be pissed but its disscusion should be going on while a hand is in progress 100% not allowed but w.e

  6. #66
    PokerOwned God TrueOC's Avatar
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    lol i just realized prawn why is ur icon a shrimp sure ive noticed it b4 but i never asked why haha......

  7. #67
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigphatmike View Post
    Gimme had open ended straight draw aka the nuts for him, hes never folding after re raising.. Fury KNew he wasnt folding ffs lol you obviously didnt read the chat log... Since now he knew that gimme was weak, he knew he had him beat at least that is why he reshoved.
    You got me wrong. Im not defending cheaters. Because this is a case of you exagerating and making it like they were colluding against you, which from all the information available they werent. You are too close to the situation and arent looking at the hand objectively. If fury was so afraid of gimme he would have folded, definately wouldnt have shoved. What gimme said is more of an angleshoot, like saying something along the lines of " whatever u bet im calling". As a "true" and "real" poker player you should know not to take anyones word at the table as the truth so why would fury takes gimme word for the truth here.

    The only thing wrong in the whole hand was mr fury saying what hand he had. But it didnt have an effect on what gimme did so its not collusion. What gimme did was an angle not colluding.

    Your posts are almost showing that it couldnt be collusion because you just said that gimme had the draw that was the nuts for him. So he was never folding. And according to you what gimme said is the reason fury went all in. So in your own words Gimme had "the nuts for him" and his talk made fury shove. So going by what ur saying it looks like gimme got a guy to shove against him while holding the nuts. But that cant be right because i thought they were colluding against you???

  8. #68
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrueOC View Post
    lol i just realized prawn why is ur icon a shrimp sure ive noticed it b4 but i never asked why haha......
    Type prawn into google images and this is the pic that comes up

  9. #69
    PokerOwned Demi-God bigphatmike's Avatar
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    @prawney, mrfury wanted information about the hand that is why he stated his hand. After gimmebrew gave him info he knew wat he wanted to do. He should have never pulled that move.

  10. #70
    PokerOwned God Prawney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigphatmike View Post
    @prawney, mrfury wanted information about the hand that is why he stated his hand. After gimmebrew gave him info he knew wat he wanted to do. He should have never pulled that move.
    Im just saying by your words not mine gimme had a straight draw that was the nuts and he wasnt folding. So by him giving fury the info he did that made fury think he was weak and shove. It seems to me that by what you said its clear that gimme was saying what he did to get fury to call/shove. Which means he was angling fury not colluding against you.

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