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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Banning Question

    Ok, I got banned today cause I was sick of watching someone talk steady shit. I said 3 things in chat one after the other, and that was the end of it. A mod told me to stay out of it, and if you look at the chat archives, you can see, I stopped. I got a warning immediately from another mod, I respond yeah yeah, i am over it...but then was warned again from a certain mod about a ban threat again. Doesn't seem FAIR to be warned 3 times, 2 by same person, for only saying literally 3 things wrong. Seems a little personal, and that goes for both of the mods, I don't think personal shit should be allowed in these power tripping individuals thought process, but yet it happens. Also was wondering, if nly a 30 minute chat come I am 1 minute from 45 minutes banned now? weird
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  2. #2
    Survey Master
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I went ahead & unbanned you to prevent any other issues.

    Sometimes on issues that you are not involved in, it is just best to not worry about the other person & let them get what is coming to them.
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  3. #3
    PokerOwned Admin Poof's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I came in at the tail end, but if it has been 45 minutes, I will lift your ban.

    Edit: Dalsue got it, and yes as Dalsue said, if you are not involved in the situation it is best to stay out of it.
    People do not realize how much harder it is for mods to get control when you have 5 members jumping in and putting in their 2 cents.

    ^^my 2 cents
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