I'll get around to paying these out this week, I just have to do them manually right now.
You get 5 points per $1 in rake.
DropTheLeash 1765
Pokermafia82 1497
honkingantelope 1333
TheGreatDjango 1265
NidhoggNation 1149
TrueOC 1024
bhurtel22 1002
YouGotMerged72 909
SteortexrulesLLBS 773
GoochBruiser 594
sickreadtwenty3 522
ChasingHubris 518
raymo31483 475
YouGotMerged72 429
BumpyKnuxx 400
dajemn 333
aklonglives74 268
WittyNameHere 211
debbi59 190
Grind4green 179
flipnpunkz 167
MisClick69 165
duck1220 163
JDB0713x 155
laugeson 154
going4brke 152
rrickirnj 146
PIKEBOY412 140
steveg7 120
lmgriffin 119
ipoopchips 111
FeeedTheFisssh 108
xbulgingNUTZx 102
OLDHIPP44528 93
wastingmytime2 90
OMGNickiMinaj 88
thatheartz 88
freedude123 77
raymond1024 72
earneri 68
tval3500 68
seaeyes 68
MALEK87 55
666badsmoke666 44
Racoonsdad 42
janishishere 42
mel4popp 42
ImphonEE 42
MyriamAndMax 41
justwinandwin 39
racksonrackss 35
joeynizzle 34
0rdinaryGuy 30
prime14k23 29
XStackSnackX 29
777Roopster 29
CrazyWhiteBoy508 29
LvegasL4 29
marlais 28
xbanalx 26
robindonkey 26
nz88zz 23
uglyGirlzRok 23
spowell26 22
hotshotpot1209 21
JustEndTheSeason 19
iraqyourchips 19
bean8792 18
OMGitsPooffyFooffy 17
hussle4cash 16
sneedwrecka1 16
Kazuleo 15
mightyjerr 15
johnnyray45711 15
hadi1364 15
LooneyBinLaden 15
sprocketdawg66 14
spowell26 14
Skatterman 13
TouchePuZCat 13
vcapps01 12
tstuff 12
shesellseashells 10
Jaded14 10
pzz901 9
11kathy111 9
cbdeamond 9
royduffy4isHigh 8
FoldPotWinRaise 8
MichMan79 8
eliasakd 7
Jatt3250 6
massagemynuts 6
666badsmoke666 6
Stephymariec1 6
SweBlackbird90 6
charlie2635 5
Bunjie 5
JoeSchmoeJr 5
cribdals 5
TxRon59 5
mmmmm420 5
vali1212 5
racewagon1 4
Roadkill77x 4
proudleo 3
alwaysmade1 3
GrapeJuiced 2
shucaru13 2
TalkSickLines 2
ConfusedGTO 2
pric3choppin 2
rolltideroll2012 2
Mclain63 2
gage4848 2
ForgottenMagyk 1
rite333 1
Nicholas3154 1
gregwild 1
nation3x 1
JohnNBrazon 1
LoveMyMonkey 1
mm8481 1
TuVice 1
Foursup 1
stopatdaturn 1
chrish79 1
brucelee101 1
dkwdya 1
1downswing1 1
asw7198 1
DalsueBinkinDonks 1
dimeage7 1
dreamcontrol 1
Results 1 to 1 of 1
Thread: August Points Back Totals
09-02-2012, 01:21 PM #1
August Points Back Totals
"And Shepherds we shall be. For thee, my Lord, for thee.
Power hath descended forth from Thy hand. Our feet may swiftly carry out Thy commands.
So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be.
In Nomeni Patri Et Fili Spiritus Sancti."