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  1. Worst run of variance I've ever gone through
  2. Royal Hand O' the Day
  3. took first
  4. This is a sick set up hahah
  5. Lock 700gtd bounty 5$ 7pm
  6. LILG iza SHARK
  7. BOOOOOOOOm just shipped the 300 gtd on acr
  8. My biggest brag so far
  9. Nice to see the play doesnt get better as the stakes get higher..... NOT
  10. lost my mind and tilted it off again
  11. Not mine, but probaly most epic post ever
  12. when everything comes together
  13. Finally got a seat into the Lock 100K!!!
  14. How not to run hot in a $33 Rebuy ($1) rebuy-Caught in the Vortex
  15. client drama
  16. treeman finishes 2nd in 1.5kgtd for 289.50
  17. juicy tournament
  18. royal flush on juicy!!!
  19. Second freeroll of the night TOOK FIRST AND THAT ONE TOOO...
  20. Won My freeroll Though POKEROWNED
  21. worst beat for first place
  22. quads
  23. 2.35 to 180.22 in around 4 hours
  24. running like ass
  25. Folded KK...again
  26. LILGs 0 to hero/grind to glory
  27. fkucdaw0rld here is the hand explain it
  28. grosssss
  29. $20 all-in or fold - First HAND
  30. Is it just me or is it rigged (CP)
  31. AA.... back off, son.
  32. the CLIENT
  33. just a tiny sampling of how carbon constantly teases me
  34. Profit.
  35. Another win for me.
  36. im on tilt for life
  37. Grinder Champion
  38. Streaks
  39. mommahud wins back2back
  40. Win at the casino, lose online
  41. Pokerstars
  42. Inappropriate things that have been said to you while playing..
  43. How many have you had?
  44. Straight Flush vs Ace High Flush PLO Zoom Cash Game
  45. Worst beat I ever took.
  46. first time ITM PO FR
  47. Running hot again
  48. A Little TILT!!!!
  49. smashing on the table
  50. just a lil brag
  51. Folded KK pre
  52. Starting from scratch!
  53. quads 4 times in an hour
  54. need to win
  55. loosing with aces
  56. $1k bankroll freeroll on Juicy
  57. Finished "in the money" in @PokerStars 2nd place in PLO mtt
  58. Free seat to the 100K on lock
  59. Tilt tilt tilt
  60. Entries to PO T's
  61. new
  62. Folded QQ preflop
  63. Pokerdemon's Quest for $200k entry
  64. Court on SWC poker - he started with 80 chips and .... LOOK
  65. this is so fucked up
  66. quads got beat...
  67. i hate you donkeys
  68. pokerowned tourney
  69. When you let the crooks run the Card Game what the fuck do you Expect??
  70. Carbon Fusilier Room Turbo (67475056) My Aces get cracked two hands in a row
  71. 250 teed 1r
  72. First Hand Royal Flush PLO Cash Game (Lock Poker)
  73. Would you call this a brag? I think so.
  74. I attract more quads over quads
  75. aces cracked
  76. Big Hit and a Thank You to my Railers
  77. 32 red poker
  78. Folded a Royal Flush
  79. LC Lock Grind! - Let's Get It!
  80. 2nd Place 5$ Bounty MTT On Lock!! First Forum Post
  81. Juicy Bankroll Buillder Freeroll
  82. This is how I run
  83. Rigged? I don't think so
  84. got into the pro elite bounty tournament 13808514
  85. karma
  86. Last night bought in my first Pokerowned free roll and finished 5th
  87. cards were runnin so good till...
  88. finally won $3.30 $300GTD bounty tourney
  89. 10 PM Est. 02/26/13 Winner Allheart1213
  90. The perfect trap busted
  91. 1st place $909.87 $5k GTD (Pokerstars)
  92. Catbon
  93. carbon
  94. 40 freeroll
  95. FK YA!!! Dueces Wild Royal Flush with no Dueces!!!$0.50 turned into $250.00
  96. Just for me
  97. SubZero99 gave me$1 , built to $5.50 on PLO, Played $5.50 200g turbo, finished 8th
  98. wanted to leave but could not
  99. Much needed score.
  100. Dumb move
  101. Taking Online Experience Into Live Action
  102. Winning $1000 from $0
  103. Idk what to say. Thank you.
  104. cmon
  105. $500 gtd deep stack turbo
  106. Lost with Ace King Twice!! against crappier hands in poker owned tourney
  107. Hey!! Quads anyone??
  108. Internet fail!! $250 Bounty Guaranteed in the cash til internt issues...
  109. This kind of thing always seems to happen...
  110. Low Man Hitting the Final Table
  111. Juicy Steaks $1k Free roll so
  112. hows this for lucky????
  113. Lost 12 flips or better in a row
  114. you tilt ?
  115. Live
  116. Fist and last time playing at carbon.
  117. Roughest two Weeks.
  118. running deep
  119. Carbon and Poker Owned For $45
  120. I think this qualifies as a brag...
  121. Playing in my sleep
  122. 1st freeroll win
  123. Trying out Cash games on Juicy - Low Stakes - Good start
  124. royal flush!
  125. Grinding Hardcore..... Damn Im out of Kush
  126. Is it ever gonna fucking end???????????
  127. LOCK 2nd Place 1.5K
  128. The only way
  129. if you beat soemone on a bs hand
  130. Acolade
  131. CARBON MERGE SUCKS what ahorrible trash site
  132. got beat on bs
  133. my first freeroll win
  134. $500 Pro Bounty KILL
  135. I suck!!
  136. 2:15 am tilted rant
  137. how I'm doing on Juicy
  138. Won nightly 4k...
  139. I won 35% of the points lottery yesterday
  140. So Close Part 3
  141. first LLB last night
  142. Whats your worst beat?
  143. everyone has been down that road
  144. Carbon From Nothing To Something Challenge!
  145. Bold prediction: Donka is gonna win the grinder today
  146. So close but yet so far!
  147. Bovada can screw u too :(( LOL
  148. First "Real Money" Win (.02/.04)
  149. I usually dont Tilt but cmon man WTF was that ishhhhhh
  150. not bad hand to go out on
  151. Facebook Poker?
  152. When is the best moment to have a break?
  153. i have won my first tournament
  154. What should I do now? Help please.
  155. Horrible Play on Pokerowned
  156. The Chicago Cubs---On Tilt for over a Century----With no calm in sight
  157. Client - Why's it so addictive?
  158. And merge returns the 1 outter
  159. 1 outted for 64k pot :(
  160. Bankroll lost to BJ Madness
  161. I chat.
  162. Not Much
  163. Why it's hard to win against unskilled players.
  164. Five cards, the same suit.
  165. No card lower than !0 wtf
  166. Chicken dinner!
  167. Losing Streak.... :(
  168. raffle winning!
  169. low limit double ups
  170. I can't belive I'ma say this....
  171. AA vs 4h,5h - boom247
  172. Tilt
  173. Finally Scored Thru PokerOwned !
  174. A Guide on how to NOT lose your bankroll. or something.
  175. does or has anyone else ever played with a pro live?
  176. sick to death of merge
  177. i wanted to cry :( ...
  178. Best .05/.10 Merge player of the day
  179. AA Hand
  180. Heres a fucking idea....
  181. Phil Ivey
  182. Finally! Final Table $1 Frenzy
  183. Flopped quads crazy
  184. Finished 81st wth starting field of 2500+ in 10k
  185. Total bluff
  186. Merge sucks! When is po going to switch to a real room!!!!????
  187. Carbon 2+1 Turbo, Bounty game Shipped.
  188. Thursday 7pm Carbon FR
  189. Good day at merge so far!
  190. Blame Your Self On Christmas Day
  191. flop
  192. Made a nice run...
  193. confused
  194. soo fn sick right now
  195. Funny PokerOwned Freeroll hand
  196. pissed!!!
  198. hand in client. wish i could play all 4 cards
  199. 12/15/12 National Anti- AA Day
  200. I hate Carbon
  201. Sad thing is I knew it was coming
  202. First POKEROWNED Tourny for me...
  203. how can i loose withAK again and agian and again???
  204. 1 lugar en betsafe poker ,,,,BETSAFE TURBO CHEAPROLL
  205. What an Efffing Joke
  206. Pierredude's guide to turing a freeroll into 3.5k
  207. A Not So Disappointing Final Table Cash:Carbon $11 1k GTD.
  208. Could Have Been Another Final Table
  209. Another Mindless Button Clicker Gets Paid
  210. Disappointing Final Table Cash: Carbon $11 1k Gtd.
  211. Matusow Esque
  212. Playing AA postflop
  213. Folding KK preflop
  214. grrrrrr
  215. Man Do I Suck!!
  216. always a bridesmaid...
  217. this fish 12 place in leadbkroke poker
  218. donks
  219. Bad beats? pls tell me what im doing wrong here
  220. First Place Carbon $5 1R/1A
  221. tilt is bad or not?
  222. another one tickect in fulltilt
  223. 1st place: $100 - $500 Fishmarket FR at [Red Kings]
  224. Juicy Back to Back Final Tables in the $5 Deepstack turbo and $10 Deepstack Turbo
  225. me invitaron al pops
  226. 1st place 1000 freroll, Merge network Players Only skin
  227. thank you PO
  228. at least
  229. came up from PO tourneys to good Br
  230. First 22:00 ($40.00) tournament win!
  231. one more
  232. Taking Down the .25 NLH (1r, 1 add-on) Wednesday eve. 1900 hrs
  233. freerolls
  234. Just a regular day at PokerStars PLO Micro Cash Table
  235. y van 3
  236. Doing it all right....
  237. A room in Donkey Heaven~~
  238. 2nd place in a 990 plr tourney!
  239. Just beat some1---had quad fours
  240. 2/5 PLO in Client versus MORON
  241. reasons not to slow play the turn
  242. New here, placed 2nd in my 2nd trny!
  243. Dazzler $500 Guaranteed
  244. Juicy freeroll
  245. Getting it in good, then get drawn out on...twice
  246. Donked by one of our own....
  247. Heres a good one
  248. WHY is it SO hard ???
  249. funny client chat!!
  250. can i fold???