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09-24-2024 05:42 AM
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6 Friends

  1. lilg97 lilg97 is offline

    I whine like a 5 year old girl

  2. Nasy Nasy is offline

    Seasoned Veteran

  3. Rishlin Rishlin is offline

    Experienced Member

  4. StephyMarieC StephyMarieC is offline

    PokerOwned God

  5. sweetthang01 sweetthang01 is offline


  6. winachip winachip is offline

    Seasoned Veteran

Showing Friends 1 to 6 of 6

madjek's Feedbacks

Feedbacks: 18
Positive Feedbacks: 18
Rating: 100%

left by rrickir on 01-22-2018 10:44 PM

Always good trade thank you my points for his Paypal:)

left by rrickir on 07-28-2015 02:46 AM

payback fast ty!:))

left by rrickir on 04-30-2015 03:33 PM

pd on time ty:)

left by TONelson on 04-08-2014 09:13 PM

100 point loan paid :)

left by rrickir on 09-29-2013 01:32 PM

pd on time ty:)

left by SwoopPoker on 08-15-2013 03:15 PM

Very fast payback A+

left by rrickir on 04-09-2013 09:48 PM

PD good.. TY:)

left by rrickir on 03-17-2013 12:41 AM

U fast TY MADJEK :))

left by rrickir on 12-02-2012 02:02 PM

paid on time thank you

left by StephyMarieC on 10-18-2012 01:17 AM

paid early =)

left by rrickir on 10-14-2012 02:46 AM

PD really fast TY:)

left by StephyMarieC on 09-28-2012 12:40 PM

paid on time =)

left by janish on 08-20-2012 09:15 PM


left by rrickir on 08-03-2012 05:09 PM

pd goood :))

left by rrickir on 07-22-2012 05:10 PM

alll goood TY:)

left by Unkclan on 04-29-2012 06:05 PM

Good Loan

left by Daytradin on 12-09-2011 03:10 AM

Always paid! A+

left by lilg97 on 10-29-2011 06:33 AM

i love my madjek

madjek's Screen Names

Americas Cardroom - madjekman

Black Chip Poker - madjek

Bovada - 2072080

Carbon - madjek64

Freeroll *RESTRICTED* - madjekman

Juicy Stakes - madjek12

Lock Poker - madjek3

Seals with Clubs - madjek2

madjek's Tourneys Stats

Total Tournaments: 3255

Place Times Placed % Placed
1. 200 6.14%
2. 207 6.36%
3. 202 6.21%
4. 195 5.99%
5. 190 5.84%
6. 146 4.49%
7. 172 5.28%
8. 138 4.24%
9. 148 4.55%
10. 125 3.84%
1. - 10. 1723 52.93%