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About charles2183

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About charles2183


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05-25-2020 02:50 PM
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2 Friends

  1. Poof Poof is offline

    PokerOwned Admin

  2. Rcktwrangler Rcktwrangler is offline

    PokerOwned God

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charles2183's Feedbacks

Feedbacks: 18
Positive Feedbacks: 16
Rating: 89%

left by rghy2 on 10-30-2014 05:17 PM

paid back about a month late

left by steveg78 on 08-24-2014 06:53 PM

paid in full. would loan to again

left by rrickir on 06-07-2014 03:16 PM

had to debt collect for a month, then came back and paid the rest yho.

left by steveg78 on 09-24-2013 08:45 PM

Paid in full and early. Would loan to again.

left by dudemanstan on 09-04-2013 09:13 PM

paid A+

left by rghy2 on 08-18-2013 11:43 PM

paid back

left by pierceisgod on 08-14-2013 06:35 PM

A+ Paid Back Early

left by pierceisgod on 08-13-2013 12:03 PM

A+ Paid Back Early

left by rghy2 on 08-11-2013 11:12 PM

paid back

left by rghy2 on 08-06-2013 10:16 PM

paid back a day late

left by rghy2 on 07-31-2013 06:21 PM

paid back on time

left by Bonghead on 01-31-2013 12:27 PM

Defaulted and no responses.. would not loan again.

left by TONelson on 01-25-2013 05:15 PM

Loan was paid back eventualy.

left by steveg78 on 11-06-2012 06:07 PM

Paid in full.

left by steveg78 on 10-25-2012 10:01 PM

Paid in full and Early. AAA.

left by steveg78 on 09-27-2012 06:21 PM

Paid in full and on time. AAA

left by steveg78 on 09-08-2012 11:05 AM

Paid in full and on time. AAA. Would loan to again.

left by steveg78 on 09-05-2012 09:13 PM

Paid in full.

charles2183's Screen Names

Americas Cardroom - charles2183

Black Chip Poker - cardschick83

Bovada - 4297617

Carbon - charles1527

Lock Poker - charles50383

charles2183's Tourneys Stats

Total Tournaments: 356

Place Times Placed % Placed
1. 3 0.84%
2. 4 1.12%
3. 3 0.84%
4. 3 0.84%
5. 2 0.56%
6. 1 0.28%
7. 3 0.84%
8. 0 0%
9. 2 0.56%
10. 2 0.56%
1. - 10. 23 6.46%